In the short term. Then you become the butt of oncologist comedy stylings.

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Of course he didn't say it on Fox News, so it's not like any of his voters will hear it.

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How can we fix Mother Earth when we are being overrun by the Messican hordes?

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Believe in it? Fuck, I've seen it!

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Good for Lindsey. Now, for the Repugs who use the excuse that they are not scientists when denying climate change, what makes them gynecologists when it comes to women's reproductive health?

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Boards they convened out of household plants so they can self-certify?

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Lindsey Graham is sitting in his gazebo, sipping a Mint Julep. "My, but it is so terribly hot today, Mother", he says. "The summers have been getting more oppressive over the years, Dear", his mother replied.

"I have, over the years, worked so hard to cap C02 emissions, but the rest of the Senate have just been so cruel that I've had to withdraw my actions and simply walk away, else, I swear I might get the vapors. Why, Mother, the Democrats are positively vicious and, I don't know if you know, ...the Speaker ...well he drinks. It's just awful when he drinks Mother, why he turns a hideous shade of orange and he swears. It frightens me"

"Now Lindsey.", his mother exclaims, "You are not a boy anymore. You need to march back in to the Senate and stand up for yourself. Your dear father would beat you for sniveling if he were still alive"

Ashamed, Lindsey leaves through the garden where he comes across four strapping young lads in the gardening crew. Unfortunately, his advances are not well received by the young men and after chasing him down for a 1/4 mile or so, poor Lindsey is killed and eaten.


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and saying that he once again thought that climate change is real, and man-made, but also complaining that “Al Gore has turned this thing into a religion …Still believes climate change is real: checkStill believes that it's man-made: checkStill a whiny little bitch: check and double-check!

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Rand can tell 'em how to do that.

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Yeah those collidge-edjucayted egghead generals have somehow convinced themselves that global climate change is a threat to national security.

Librul pussy hippies!

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"There are probably a few Republicans who are personally not horrible people. BUT they say and do horrible things to keep their power and rely on the fear and hatred stirred up in their base."

So, they're not horrible, but whores.

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Typical Lindsey. It's always first and foremost about his hurt feels.

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That's quite a paradox.

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Raping dear old mother earth.

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Well Lindsey, first you complain about Fox News essentially taking control of the Republican primary and now you're saying that climate change is real again? Looks like someone wants Sean Hannity after clutching HIS pearls and falling onto his fainting couch to kick him out of the party again....

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Dinosaur meat being know for its flatulent properties should be reason enough for the antivaxxers.

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