Mitch knew Trump was going to win with Russia's help. so why wouldn't he wait. this time around, seems like republicans don't think they can win even with russia's help.

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This is why I hate every Democratic voter who (a) voted for Jill Stein, (b) voted for Gary Johnson, or (c) stayed home (yes, I'm talking to you, Younger Sister who lives in PA). OK, I don't hate YS, I love her, but she allowed herself to be fooled into "Hillary is a murderer" by her FB pals and the Russian trolls and bots.

No one on our side gets to sit this one out. No one!!

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[furiously presses chiffonaded mint butter into rosette molds]

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Not just young, authoritarian, right wing and white. From what I read, much TOO young, much TOO inexperienced, and according to the American Bar Association, which it sort of kind of appears to me ought to know, unqualified. Judicially, that is. They have the qualification that matters to the like of Trump, McConnell and Graham. Loyalty to the Republican mob.

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I don't know. But isn't it a thing that corrupt judges can be impeached, and might there be hope in that if the Democrats can take back the Senate? And McConnell goes down by a landslide next election? I gather he's become about as popular as anthrax.

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Good point. I am just SO over all these words. If that's what it takes, and it comes with action, fine.

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I'm hoping that such actions will indeed be grounds for impeachment.

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Lindsey's probably feeling way more confident of victory tonight than he was two days ago. The national press is slowly kettling the narrative the way cops kettle demonstrators: we're already seeing "violence good for Trump" and the outlines of a 1968 style law and order media narrative taking shape. "Too bad about how some of the demonstrators did some stuff, and now we can't care about police violence or white supremacism any more."

But win or lose, packing the federal appellate bench with filthy, corrupt, theocratic Federalist Society corporate grifters was always the idea. These people are taking down democracy, actively and purposefully, so whether they win or lose an election is almost ironically unimportant to them. That bench is going to get good and packed.

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Court packin', fudge packin' --- Potato, Potahto...

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Older judges to Graham, “Go fuck yourself, we are still going to be here in January, you’re not.”

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I'm antifa.

"Antifa" is a tactic and a method of political activism which originated in 1930s Germany.

Antifa is NOT an organisation. It's like saying "has anyone ever met a member of The Liberals"?

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The Repubs have dropped all pretenses, we saw through all that bullshit anyhow, and are just admitting the game plan, the Party before everything agenda.

Trump has laid them bare,,, and probably bareback.

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There's a special place in hell for Stein voters, (especially in swing states).

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A reminder that Jaime Harrison is Lindsey's Democratic opponent, and recent polls indicate that they are in a statistical tie.


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Journalists being shot by the government -which is already happening in Amerikkka - is completely normal and predictable as a fascist authoritarian government prepares to suspend elections and consolidate power.

Why is *anyone* the least bit surprised by any of this?

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There is nothing in the Constitution about how many judges are on the Supreme Court. As long as we have the Senate and the Presidency next year, raise the number to 15, let RBG and Breyer retire, and pack the court with justices under 60, including some women and/or POCs. Clarence Thomas is 71; he won't be around forever either.

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