Lindsey seems to be having a cognitive dissonance meltdown. He's flipping so fast, first one way, then the other, that the vibration is a very high pitch.

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I love "Spinal Tap" outtakes.

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Its the dreaded 'double gaslight'. These fuckers lie so much and deceive so regularly that their truth is dead. Honesty is not a thing with any of them, its just, who is telling a better lie, a 'more believable' lie, that is.

The truth is, they lie non-stop.

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This whole "Rudy's in Ukraine and you won't believe what he is finding" schtick reminds me of when Trump sent "researchers" to Hawaii to find Obama's birth certificate, and "they can't believe what they're finding." It doesn't matter to his base that he never actually finds anything. They're like a doomsday cult. It's not about judgement day, it's about the fun you have talking about how great it's going to be, I guess.

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Can we get Rudy in drag for those? He's done it before!

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Okay, who took a crowbar to Trump’s ass and pried Lindsey out?

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We have pictures.

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Wow, Guy Smiley. I haven't seen him in maybe 30 years.

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"Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz," Franken wrote in the book, an excerpt of which was published by Axios. "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz."

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He was with the CIA and understood some shit.

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...pretty half-assed job, if you ask me.

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Trump lied about the Hawaii fantasy. Joe Arpaio sent the the people to Hawaii and the people of Maricopa County paid for it. They came back with Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii. Which they already had. Trump appointed himself King of the Birthers so of course everything was his. Trump is incapable of telling the truth.

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It's like the 2008 financial meltdown, when so many banks carried so much in mortgage-backed securities and other phony-baloney derivatives that they didn't trust each other's books anymore.

Guess Senate Republicans are hoping for a government bailout for inhaling not just Trumpnik's farts, but every GOP fart since (at least) the days of Reagan. Just as long as they aren't held responsible for their own actions - just like the banks insisted!

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Rudy, it's under-the-bus time for you. Lindsey is leading the charge to hold you alone responsible.

Once that mission is accomplished, it'll be under-the-bus time for Lindsey.

Then Moscow Mitch and so on and so forth, as they all fall busward to protect the Cuckmander in Chief.

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I think the marching orders go: Putin> Lavrov> Trump> GOP politiciansBut yeah--it seems like they have agreed, explicitly or otherwise, that they need a scapegoat, and Rudy is the likely candidate.

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