I don't think a quick fuck n go on the ninth tee counts as full courting. (Just for clarity I mean tee as in golf, not tea as in bag)

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Come on Miss Lindsey spill the beans. Which one of your holes was Trump tapping his balls into? Are you forming a new caucas, the Teabag group?

Can your brain vomit inside your skull, because I think mine just has?

On a more philosophical note The GOP is just like a crack addict. They know this Trump shit is going to kill them, but they can't give it up.

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The commies and five time draft dodgin serial lying craven foul mouthed butt boy of Putin orange Adolf have sugar tank Lindsey over a barrel watch him dance to kkkomrades trumps tune

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"There's a good chance I'll be Judiciary chairman if we hold the Senate next year. If I'm Judiciary chairman? Stay tuned," Graham said.

It could be that simple, Graham hanging onto power and angling for more by playing tRumps waterboy. Maybe he thinks himself able to manipulate tRump. He's always been something of a snivelling sneaky little weasel.

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There's a Grindr scat tape out there somewhere...

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Yes, I'm sure of it.

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It's a tough job.

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'Yeah, it could have sunk him a generation ago but today?'In the real world, no.In the GOP, where it's still 1950? Absolutely.

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Thanks, it is creepy seeing ones face, and 'nym raving naively.

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Nobody was fooled.

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Thank you for recognizing that and for warning me.

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I think the entire GOP is terrified of being nuclear-toxin-poisoned like the couple in the UK. There's a metric shitload more kompromat on the GOP than the Dems. Putin is Puppet Master Supreme. Even their media is bragging how they own Trump and are going to hack it again in Nov. https://twitter.com/michiko...

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My gay-dar is notorious for not being able to sniff out queer-dudes. But Queen Nancy makes even mine scream out in loud klaxons!

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It's plausible. Unlikely, but plausible.

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Very minty!

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