Maybe it's the beginning of a trend. We can hope.

I am loving the new breed of feisty Dems.

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Hey, don't knock masturbation. Sometimes it's the only action I get!

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If your senator/s is/are a "GOP," you know what to doMy senator is Lindsey, so, poop.

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I only have this to say about the Speaker, "Don't mess with her."

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Then I don't see any reason for him to refuse a House subpoena or two.

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Queeny Lindsey needs to just fuck off!

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I think someone needs to stand up in the senate and remind these senators just what oath of office was in detail. I.e. country before party. Oath of OfficeI do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

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Hell, over at The Hot Patoot piano-bar - when Miss Lindseybelle belts out "There's No Business..." all the patrons fall silent. I swear it's as if they can't believe what they're hearing. The fact that she's dressed like a Vegas showgirl...well, it certainly adds a sense of "je ne sais quoi"! One time her head-dress got caught in the ceiling-fan. They had to call the fire department. We got a round of free drinks out of it.

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"At least I don't have to pay my own hands $10,000 to stay silent..."

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I keep forgetting that the new definition of democracy is the old definition of oligarchy.

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How many GOP senators are up for re-election this year?

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Might as well call and tell them what you think. They might not care about their wives but constituents probably put a stutter in their step.

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It's the same Trumpian shit of "we're gonna ignore the law and our duties again because we don't like it!"

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I'm thinking that even in a football game, on divisional playoff weekend, I'd want Nancy on the team. She'd call plays never seen before and be in the Super Bowl with two shakes of a Gram's tail.

I nominate Nancy for World Captain and Coach. She is just that good.Places in South Africa, China and Russia would all gain from her wisdom and talent.Although, she is a tad busy at the moment saving the once envy of the world, us--the US.

In contrast, you throw Mitch out of his hidey hole and into any conflict anywhere else and he would whelp then wither, or vice versa.

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That repub rep like cows? Seriously though, you being a normal person in a red district, are someone that can make a difference one vote at a time.

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I'm not sure if he likes cows or not, but he is not currently suing an imaginary cow.

I always vote, but I've noted that in the last few decades my candidates have not done well except at the California state level. I was actually an Independent for years but registered as Dem in 2016 to honor our first woman President. Did not turn out well.

Still, it does seem that the trend is changing back to the left. One problem is that so many of the WingNuts are fiercely fact resistance. I have a long-time WingNut friend--an extremely nice person in everyday life--but the things she says can be outrageous. Fortunately her actions don't match her words. I've tried to gently correct her ideas once or twice, but she thanks me and then just keeps looking til she finds something that supports what she wants to believe.

The weird thing about my district is that it is pretty solidly red, but it has patches of deep, clear blue. We just don't have enough voters. Yet.

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