The most painful contradiction for me is when the insurrectionists compared Jan. 6th to 1776 without noticing that the American Revolution was fought to get out from under an incompetent monarchy, while the insurrection was intended to install one.

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You know who does a great Eric Trump impersonation? Stephen Colbert. It's all in the teeth.

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they have at least one person of color now though and when i think of horse racing i think of a bunch of white ladies drunk on mojitos

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Fuck off, Lara.

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...and the desperation.

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You have any friends or relatives in NC who are thinking of voting for Lara, just tell them to picture her having sex with Eric.

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I thought it was the openly fucking Guilfoyle, wasn't it?

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Stephen's Eric impersonations never fail to crack me up, too. Between him and Seth Meyers, those two saved my sanity the past 4 years, you know?

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They thought they could use him to implement their agenda (permanent tax cuts for the wealthy, check! Anti-civil rights and anti-environment judges, check!) and somehow manage him to keep him from doing too much damage to their brand.

They were wrong and now they're desperate to get rid of him but are afraid to alienate his base of racist morons without whom, they can't hope to retake the government. It's like they're caught in a bear trap and their choices are stay in the trap or cut their leg off.

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One party occasionally has political dynasties, without any conscious planning. The other one seems to hunger for them.

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They actually said "They agree with us, they just didn't want to sign the letter!!!" Which...might actually mean they don't agree with you, Karen*, and they just want you to go away?

*Her name was actually Karen because irony is dead.

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If Donald Trump campaigns for her it could get...interesting.

Of course she'd be lucky if he even mentioned her name in between fits of stream-of-consciousness rambling about how the election was stolen from him and he was the victim of the greatest injustice in human history.

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I'm a big fan of Alex Moffat's on SNL, too.

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Not Tiffany...she’s under the radar but all-in. Baron is the family’s only hope for someone to bake cakes with files in them when the rest of them are in prison.

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Hey, it’s worked for decades.

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