Couple Questions:

How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

How many times did you flunk basic arithmetic before you were kicked out of home school?

When you divorce your wife, will you still legally be brother and sister?

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I'll compromise with old survivor. As Indy said, "it's not the years, it's the mileage.".

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At least he's got the "Punk" part right, so there's that.

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Norris showed up at Ray Dalke's dojo to train way back in the day. Word has it that he ended up begging off, stating essentially that "You guys play too rough." In other words, he couldn't hang. Fuckin' pussy.

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Ah, a person who has forgotten 43. Under Clinton we had a budget to pay down our debt. 43 decided that minor tax cuts were more important than that and decided to pretend that running a war didn't cost any money and so basically kept 2 sets of books.

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It is my favorite quest!

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NRA: "To whom should we make this check payable?"

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Bwahahahahahahaha, now he's worried when he and his jagoffs in Congress denied embassy security funding that helped lead to Benghazi in the first place?

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Done. This one wasn't even fun.

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None of this surprises me at all. Donnie Dumbass, despite his braggadocio, has never actually negotiated with anyone. Threats, bribes, pay-for-play, lawsuits but never actual negotiation, so he thinks it has no value. He'll go for the kill every time, even when NOT doing so would be to his advantage. To him, the State Department is just a waste of money that should go to building himself up to be the biggest bully on the block.

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He knew, alright, he just lied.

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Ah, but don't you know, part of the State Dept has been transferred over to the Kremlin.

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Hey, that's my congressperson! Rock on, Barbara!

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"Nobody liked the first Benghazi, so why green light a trilogy?"

Hollywood does it all the time, so it must work, right?

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