There must be a quote from this old fraud, gibbering when someone criticized CiC W.

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In 1998, according to the Congressional daily newspaper The Hill, Graham was describing himself on his website as an Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm veteran. In reality, he never left South Carolina. Graham responded "I have not told anybody I'm a combatant," he said. "I'm not a war hero, and never said I was. I never intended to lie. If I have lied about my military record, I'm not fit to serve in Congress," further noting that he "never deployed."[4] <Wiki, of course>

I'd still call him a chickenhawk. He was young enough to avoid Vietnam, and old enough to avoid all but tangential contact with the Mideast. Note: I was in the USAF from 1969-72, as my personal best alternative to being drafted. So, you are free to call me a "chicken". But I am not a "chickenhawk", because I have not subsequently suggested that other people should go fight, now that I don't have to. Graham, not so much.

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Whatever you do, don't send anyone to find her.

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<i>"When you kill Americans and nobody pays a price, you invite this type of aggression."</i>

I thought he was talking about Stand Your Ground after Zimmerman was acquitted.

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Sure he wasn't line of fire, but I bet he knows a lot more people that were than Paul Wolfowitz. I don't object to calling him chickenhawk, but he's not the biggest because they've got some real talent at chickenhawkery that side of the aisle, and while he hawks with the best of them, he's marginally less chicken.

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How about the fact that George W. Bush's comment on the PDB in August 2001 ("OK. You've covered your ass." And then he went fishing) more than likely led to 9/11? That should be indictment number one against that foul bastard. Once his state's primary is over with we'll see a more subdued Lindsey.

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Jesse Malkin, former smart person, is now a stay-at-home dad. You know: traditional GOP family values. Anchor-baby Malkin is also against immigrants.

The woman's cognitive dissonace would be fatal, if she ever were to experience actual cognition of the disssonance.

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Sadly, not quite true. Colonel Graham actually served in USAF, albeit in the JAG corps. He's still in the Reserves, even spent very short deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan teaching our troops the proper way to abuse prisoners.

So he's no Cheney, is what I'm saying.

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Congratulations on finding a way to make a shit sandwich even less appetizing.

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Do they figure he has a shot because no one could pick him out of a lineup?

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Not if its an illegitimate Mooselamb communist socialist Nazi preznit because PATRIOT!!!1!

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because baby cheezus cried?

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So the 82nd Airborne should invade Miami then?

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like I said earlier... hiss hiss pffft pfft! ;)

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