Putin is rearing his head over Snowden?


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When was that?

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My tarnished (and unused for decades) slide trombone libel.

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1. The headline sort of ignores the fact that he lived in Sweden on-and-off for twenty years. Kind of demystifies the "speaking Swedish" part.

2. While I know that TGA does exist, this story has a bit of pickled herring aroma to me.

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You have to pay extra for the luxury box.

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Only if he agrees to hold the biathlon target.

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There are not a lot of competitive sports that include beer drinking. Bowling. Curling. Beer pong. Maybe air hockey.

We have to treasure these.

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In this case, I don't think the economic impact would be that monumental, any more than it was in 1980. Especially since this time it would likely just be us.

Since the venue is closer to Europe and much of Asia than it is to the US, the impact on spectator attendance would be minimal. The absence of a few thousand US team members and associates would be worth what? $200M? That's a big chunk of change, but not much compared to the Russian GDP of 1.9T. About 0.01%.

Shorter: It's a stupid idea.

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Holy shit.

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What about the Durexei.

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Jeez. The last time I got offed, it was a stipulation in my severance package that I would make only neutral statements about our "mutual decision". But they didn't tell my ex-colleagues to avoid me on pain of pain.

It was funny, a couple of years later, when my former employers called on me to testify -- on their behalf -- in a civil suit. I ended up giving three depositions before I actually appeared in court. I got the feeling that the lawyers were concerned that I might be harboring a grudge.

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Now, that's an Olympic event I could get behind.

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Nevertheless, you are right.

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And, of course, in 1936 the Pax Americana was at its height of power.

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call the boss

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I say I say old son we needin get all excited about them cold timey games.We need more information as to why this guy goes to Russia right before the games and his name is Snowden and thats what it does in winter there's more to this than Benghazi

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