How in the world do you defund "doing fewer deportations" as the "Both Sides Club" interpret whatever the Republican squalking means?
Other than "we'll have two sides to this debate, even if I have to essentially invent one!"
Lindsey is just the most dainty closet homo I ever seen....I bet Victoria's secrete is safe with him..I bet those crotchless panties chaff his leg and gets him all irritated and grouchy.
<i>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m sure on MSNBC you&rsquo;re going to be well thought of, and on the liberal version of talk radio you&rsquo;ll have your moment with that crowd,&rdquo;</i>
&quot;Liberal Talk Radio&quot; exists, says &quot;Masculine Lindsay Graham&quot;
How in the world do you defund &quot;doing fewer deportations&quot; as the &quot;Both Sides Club&quot; interpret whatever the Republican squalking means?
Other than &quot;we&#039;ll have two sides to this debate, even if I have to essentially invent one!&quot;
<i>...liberal version of talk radio...</i>
Hey, Linds, you should see somebody about those hallucinations.
Lindsey Graham ... Lindsey Graham ... isn&#039;t he that senator from the state that still flies the Confederate flag from its statehouse?
Yeah, don&#039;t talk to me about democracy, you fucking ham sandwich.
I like the word Cromnibus. We&#039;ve been needing a word that means &quot;the opposite of cromulent&quot; and now we have it.
Re: I Think We&#039;re All Bozos On This Cromnibus, Dok, best title evah!
Lindsey is just the most dainty closet homo I ever seen....I bet Victoria's secrete is safe with him..I bet those crotchless panties chaff his leg and gets him all irritated and grouchy.
<i>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m sure on MSNBC you&rsquo;re going to be well thought of, and on the liberal version of talk radio you&rsquo;ll have your moment with that crowd,&rdquo;</i>
Hey Lindsay! What about wonket?
<i>&quot;...people are not going to believe you are mature enough to run the place,&quot;</i>
He said &quot;the senator from Massachusetts&quot;, but he was looking at Ted Cruz the whole time.
Wow, I really <i>haven&#039;t</i> able to comment today! At least not in Chrome.
Senator Citigroup sez what?
the mobile chrome on my iPad has been fubar lately
thanks Obama
Someone needs a Southie bitchslap.
So, should I make out my 2014 tax check to the IRS or Citibank, to skip the middleman?
Must be broadcasting above 1800 on the AM dial.