He enunciated more clearly at the 3rd debate and then immediately went back to his usual st00pidity.ETA - I too am sad and FML.

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Now I am confused because the Fake Trump tweets are indistinguishable from the Real Trump tweets. Or does it even matter at this point?

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Bigly is a word entered there too. Internet Official.

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I don't think he has that great a grasp on reality so either way works.

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We did some further analysis on what comes out of Trump's mouth and this is what we found: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Trump is Greg Stillson.

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His former ghostwriter says his vocabulary consists of only around 200 words.

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These linguists are WRONG. Bigly.

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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "bigly" is an actual word, although Drumpf does not use it in the correct sense:

1250-1300; Middle English big (ge) < ?Related forms biggish, adjectivebigly, adverbHistorical ExamplesHe was well made, cleanly and bigly, and neither too young nor too old.Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama E. Cobham Brewer The painting was simply done, commencing with the point of interest, the masses put in bigly, the details worked into them.The Life of James McNeill Whistler Elizabeth Robins Pennell A Beelzebub; he spake as bigly and fiercely as a soaken yeoman at an election feast,—this obedient and conducible youth!Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare Walter Savage Landor -------Actually from http://www.dictionary.com/b... because I am too cheap to pay for OED access.

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So... Kelleyanne is working for the Democrats now, I guess?

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What I gather from this is that the Republican Party's primary voters decided that the best person to hold the nuclear launch codes is someone whose most basic utterances require months and a team of linguists to decipher.

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Get out of my head Dok Zoom, I was thinking about this earlier ( the things that rent space in my head...) and pondered it during the last debate and posted about it : bigly, big lead, big league. " My love is in league with the freeway"

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Trump used the word " corny" at the Al Smith dinner. It made me laugh. His look isn't the only thing dated.

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One thing: With big'ly, accent is on first syllable; with big league', it is on the second. They sound different.

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That second [g] is there, but the fucker isn't enunciating, so it ends up lost in the noise of the next syllable, or his overly-loud exhalations.

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In the old days, when The National Enquirer was worth reading, they carried stories about homicidal dwarves, rampaging homicidal teenagers, dwarfish homicidal maniacs and pregnant teenage brides of killer dwarves.

They would also include stories featuring scientists who explained everyday phenomena in unique ways. They always had some graphs and grainy photos which were the PROOF of their truthiness.

It's good to see that these traditions remain with us.

Now lets get UC Berkeley linguistics professor Susan Lin to work on that homicidal teenage dwarf that's been inhabiting Donnie's body since the 50's. Enquiring minds need to know how that little guy got stuck inside such a giant asshole.

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