It’s upsetting when you see them, especially when they are entrenched in communities doing good work.

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You're wrong. I am a complete dick. I've spent well over 20 years watching the rest of you destroy this planet and refuse to give a fuck until you do something about it other than bitch like whiny puss boys fighting with everyone who disagrees. Do something about it or shut up and swallow.

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As far as human trafficking or breaking the rules goes, I'm not into it. I don't even bother with strip clubs or clubs in general anymore. There's no rule against calling a woman who passes you her number. I don't take advantage of women either and not only used to toss guys out of clubs for doing shit like that, but I also made lifelong friends by giving people a place to stay and sober up without having to worry about someone taking advantage of them so go fuck yourself for even suggesting it.

Unlike you, I don't judge people based on their profession, personal opinions, etc. People deserve love and your shitty attitude about them doesn't change that. And just in case you have some stupid other judgy comment regarding that opinion, I've never slept with someone for my own gratification. I have a fist that works just fine for that.

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Not all strippers are pieces of shit, but I wouldn't expect a judgmental douchebag piece of shit like you to understand that. Women deserve dignity and respect as do all people and their personal choices are none of your fucking business you nosey, gossip, dumpster. Call me a hypocrite all you want as well. I have zero respect for people who think the lives of other people and their choices are subject to their judgment. Go suck off the people who agree with you a little more. Maybe your internet social acceptance points can buy you some fake self-worth sheep fucker.

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I'm glad you admire my energy. Better than being a lazy ass. The only thing I'll touch on since I've wasted enough time on this today yet failed to reply to you, since you probably wouldn't get it anyway, is on the topic of race. We are all of the species homo sapien. Race is how we further classify all species on Earth. I recommend you find some of that energy you admire, and read a book.

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, _____ <-fill in the blank.

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Yes, for sure it is completely tone deaf to not let idiots and trolls rent space in your head. Have fun with that. I'd rather work on trying to change shit, but clearly I'm outnumbered by the idiots so I think I'll sit over here in my world. I'm totally good without all the bullshit in yours.

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Edgy? Not quite. I'm a non-conformist. Trend setting is far from that principle. I'm just a better human being that doesn't have to judge and hate everything I disagree with including people who will hate you just for being you. Who gives a flying fuck who hates you or for what reasons? Sorry that I don't feel compelled to join your whole red vs blue battle.

Some of us have children that we'd like to have a future on this dying planet without your constant bullshit fighting. It's not my fault you all grew up to be needy little bitches, needing to be loved, needing to be accepted, to the point that most of you will gladly shed whatever individuality you have left if it means people will agree with your opinions. Fucking pack animals. There is more at stake here than your need to be right.

I'm sure you wouldn't even get how hugging a racist tomorrow would go further to prevent racism than protesting. You give every hate group the attention that they want while also making the problems worse by convincing them of how fucked up you are in their minds when you're clearly fucked up for other reasons.

I have an old friend I went to school with that approached an old ass man wearing a MAGA hat and told him his hat was stupid. This friend also happens to be Mexican. Just what the fuck do you think this did other than convince this man he was right so he can go home to his white family and tell them that Mexicans are a blight on our community or whatever racist shit he is now more convinced of.

If you'd take one minute to breathe and realize we're all human beings and we all have our own faults, maybe we could find a way to cut through the ignorance. Until then, both sides are doing nothing but fueling it. You fight over literally everything. So keep your edgy comments to yourself. You're like bunch of bratty ass little kids in my eyes.

I'm not sure how the fuck you think you're going to fix the problems in our country by voting and fighting, but Einstein was right on both the definition of insanity as well as his suggestion that human stupidity is infinite. Don't mistake my tone for anger or hate though. Annoyance is more like it. I'm annoyed that my children have to live in a world where people would rather fight and make trouble than work together and find solutions (and no I don't mean working together with the people you fucking agree with, because that is the opposite of problem solving and compromise).

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Maybe a little disappointed too that I've watched and predicted this escalation for 30 years (had a decent naive and blind childhood before that which doesn't even seem to exist anymore) while thinking maybe just maybe my generation would put an end to this nonsense, corruption, and people with power rather than find ways to SHIT comfortably while being entertained.

But by all means keep fighting the good fight. I'm sure men are lining their pocketbooks with the atrocities you allow to continue by avoiding the unity our nation needs to give it back to the citizens and make sure we have ADEQUATE representation.

First past the post voting has gotten you this far. Continue your dumb ass tug of war. You're both on losing sides while rich men in power laugh at you. Fucking pawns. Maybe I'll just set my sights higher just so I can be on the winning side.

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Go fuck yourself, you condescending, lying, self-righteous twat.

You're like a gnat who thinks it's an eagle.

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lol smoke some more crack there buddy. Condescending for sure. Lying about what? Self-righteous? Yeah I'd say I've earned it.

The fact that you take issue with me choosing to live in my own world rather than be a part of the shitty one you're destroying shows some pretty serious mental issues on your part.

Let's not forget though who jumped on who over whose opinion. Fucking bigot. Thank you for solidifying the only point I had to make. Good luck fixing jack and shit as well as all the hate in this world with your shitty attitude. Good day. ;)

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Libel and/or slander.

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No, cupcake. Sorry that you are clearly far too up your own ass to see the problem.

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There's nothing in the letter that slanders or libels McGowan. It may have one day gone to the point where she might have grounds to sue, but all Bloom is doing is discussing potential stragedy.

It's slimy as hell, but it's not actionable.

As an example, I could call you a pathological liar all day every day, and you can only sue me if my doing that to you led to some sort of damage (i.e. you lose your job, lose clients, etc.)

This was just a private communication between Bloom and a potential client. Bloom hadn't actually done anything to even potentially slander her yet.

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The plan was specifically to smear her so that it would affect her. I don't know if she ever attempted to implement it, but if so, it counts.

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If she did it counts, if McGowan could prove damage to her ability to make a living because of it, but, to the best of my knowledge Bloom's association with the guy who looks like a skin tag lasted about two days until it leaked and she ran from him like she was on fire.

So I don't think she was with him long enough to do anything.

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You're so far up your own ass that you fail to see that I not only see the problem, but also see the larger problem which causes these very issues such as the bigotry and childishness you've been displaying. Where the fuck do you think attacks on women, gays, racism, etc stems from? That very fucking attitude pal.

The fact that you think you're any better than the scum bags you're complaining about is just laughable since you're part of the cause. These are just symptoms of bigotry. Congratulations. I bet mom and dad are proud.

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