I tried to post this earlier, but the connectivity gods weren't smiling on me...

The Republicans say they're not crazy, but I can clearly see their nuts.

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Glad you didn't refer to her as a lady. Her name is Pat Peale, BTW.

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Ann didn't flassh anyone, I hope! Dear godddz.

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Damn "gotcha" media elites...

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I'm finding that incredibly hard to think about masturbating to.

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Hold on, he's <i>opposed</i> to selling narcotics to schoolchildren? A true Profile in Courage...

Would've thought the free market can be trusted to make decisions like that, but whatev.

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They don't want to lose access to the GOP leaders. Pretty hard to push the "close horse race of an election" / "both sides do it" lies if you can't get the occasional comment from a Republican who's somewhat recognizable.

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One does not throw snack foods at animals. One lashes their crate to the top of the Land Rover.

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i am being forced to go to atlanta this weekend. i will take as many articles of obama clothing as i can fit in one overhead carry-on.

this has been fun in the past because i am far ruder than most southerners. and more than willing to deploy chicago thug politics.

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i cannot WAIT for the coming demographic deluge.

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You forget. They don't like that there contraception or abortion, so they's havin' lots of kids.

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I was wondering about that comment... then saw who wrote it. Never mind.

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Back around the same time you were travelling through Alaska, I was in my staffroom having a conversation with fellow teachers about <i>Gone with the Wind</i>, which I had just re-read for some reason, and commented on how racist it was. My friend in the room said his relatives in Michigan were just the same, and he hated it. My enemy in the room (and that is not overstating how I feel about this prick, for a variety of reasons) said, "Well, you might feel the same if you had to live around them." I sputtered I was so mad. "Them?" I said. "THEM? Like they're all just a mob, not individuals?" He stalked out in a huff. Speaking of racist books, the family story of Lyin' Ryan reminded me of a book called <i>The Ladies of the Club</i>, as in family been in a small mid-west town for ever, etc, etc, so I decided to waste some of my summer reading it again. And wow, the casual racism of the writer is overwhelming. The descriptions of the black people in the town- rolling eyes in terror- dear lord. Oh, and the whites are all staunch Republicans, of course. It's true that she was an old when she wrote it 20 years ago, but those attitudes are obviously still there. But then, they have to live around THEM.

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sociopathic movement hack is sociopathic

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It was an understandable mistake. For many at the RNC she was probably the first black person they have seen in person.

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