Again I ask, where the hell are this kids parents? Did he "rehome" them the way that perv in Arkansas did his adopted daughters?

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Rules aren't for them.

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I was playing Sicily 2000 whenever I could get away with it. And I just realized that it was not anywhere near 2000, but game names make no sense.

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Hey maybe this kid is just a big Looneytunes fan and doesn't realize Mel Blanc did all the voices. So by defending Sylvester the 9/11Cat9/119/11 he thinks he'll get a chance to meet his idol: Elmer Dubya Fudd. I hope no one shows him Yosemite Perry or he'll be a wingnut4life.....

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I would say more accurately, conservatives are all for other people following rules while rich conservatives get to do as they fucking please because theyze earned it by finding the light from the birth canal.

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That's about the maximum point of their intellectual and emotional growth- age 12/13.

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Join Disgus. You can say all kinds of malarky with an account in several places!

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Probably enrolled in The National School Lunch Program. Typical conservative taker.

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Soooo....it's genetic, then?...

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Well, guns don't usually hurt you like beer does. They hurt everyone else, sure, but that's okay.

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I guess the attraction of the Internet for 12-year-olds is that it's like getting to sit at the grown-ups' table at Thankgiving dinner. Instead of at the card table with your nerdy cousins.

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Lindsey Graham is probably already grooming him.

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Word. I remember hearing of some kid who got in trouble over something like that.

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'Anyway, CJ is undeterred, and plans to “continue to make as many accounts as possible.”'

Figures; about half the comments on news articles on facebook read like they were composed by some 12-year old pisher in Georgia.

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