They are probably kissing some too.
Anyway, here’s Presidents Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy doing a press conference about a very serious subject, which we just completely made light of with all our quote-unquote “jokes.” All your background is here.
Also we suppose this is your OPEN THREAD because would you look at the time?
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
If you're shopping on Amazon anyway, this portal gives us a small commission.
You know, I don't know how many people have brought it up or made comments to this effect, but I've seen at least one tonight saying that commenters here are generally not being fair to Caffeen Man.
So before anyone says that again, I spent literally 4 hours and probably more on this last night and today. CM asked for feedback and I spent 2 hours on my carefully crafted feedback alone, trying to navigate his insistence that the message be extremely clear while steering clear of unhelpful offence that would tend more to driving him away than helping him learn. In addition to this, I spent a significant amount of time on other aspects of this crisis, including posting a comment asking everyone to lay off CM so he could deal with me and just me and not feel overwhelmed or dogpiled.
And though there may have been many people wanting to say their peace to CM before that, guess what? People most just agreed, let me and CM talk to each other, and gave CM the space to process. So while people felt that they had something to say or saw something that **needed** to be said, they said it. But there's no one in charge here, so there didn't know who else was going to say what. I am confident there was no intent to dogpile or treat CM unfairly b/c when people were asked to step back and they knew someone was trying to handle it, they let that happen. They didn't jump in with insults or even with too much advice to handle.
Later Trix put CM in time out. This is by definition temporary. I have no idea how long the time out is, but it was clear that it was a time out not a ban
To the extent that CM had to deal with some shit, it's not exactly avoidable unless you all want to hire a head psychotherapist for our Open Threads to stay on top of all this. Literally no one that I saw jumped on CM after I asked other people to step back.
Last night was not pleasant for CM, but I worked my ass off and other commenters did what they felt was best, including giving CM space once we had a plan. Having put in that work and seen what was happening as it was happening and having witnessed the distress that CM's behaviour evoked in others, I gotta say I'm feeling pretty unappreciated having people just dis the commentariat with no thanks at all for the work that was put in -- and not just by me. And I'm also not feeling the love for Trix who has to balance the harm of not letting CM participate for some short time with the harm of women not being able to be here because CM wasn't addressing his own behaviour.
I have no problem with people feeling and expressing sympathy for CM, but maybe before you start badmouthing the commentariat you recognize that people from Trix on down to random commenters were really trying their best last night, and the people hurt along the way by CM's behaviour deserve AT LEAST as much sympathy as CM himself.
So if you weren't there, maybe don't judge, or if you do judge, maybe read up and judge fairly. People are putting in work to keep this place alive, just like people put in work to maintain marriages and other relationships. And while you can't get around Rebecca's involvement as both editrix and proprietrix, I don't think it's an accident that women were doing the lion's share of the relationship maintenance work last night and today. So maybe think on that as well.
Right, I'm signing off before I become way the fuck too much of a moral scold here. That's not the point. The point is that people who weren't here don't know what happened -- and that's not your fault, but please have some faith in your fellow hard-working Wonketteers.
I'll be back later tonight. Get some good Wonk on.
P!nk has been accused of tone deafness because she -- get this -- posted a pic of a menorah on social media to celebrate Hanukkah.
I get being pissed at Israel, but this is just straight up saying that Judaism and being Jewish are morally wrong. Fuck that shit.