HIs lawyer is pushing that story. Really, really hard. Seriously disturbing, entitled shit.

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nice to have a President who actually cares about people, and isn't a sadistic psychopath.

also a perfect opportunity to remember how people with HIV/AIDS were shunned, demonized, and made the butt end of many many "jokes".

and both depraved ghouls named Reagans, who laughed at the suffering while making sure nothing of any substance would be done during the height of the crisis, are still dead.

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Pretty sure my PS3 has a tracking chip now. Oh well, they can monitor playing the Dead Space, Bioshock and Portal games again.

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Thanks out to you. You know, there are some things one can only tell strangers. The internet is a perfect forum for such indulgence. ‘Tis nice to have such a lost opprobrium. Sweet sours from the deep wells, I guess.

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Don’t I know it. I thought 2020 was the worst. God heard my joke, and responded in kind. Divorce after 22 years, my sister’s murder, and Covid struck me silly. I hate this fucking year.I never want a repeat.

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One last nice times before I head home to cook. I apparently missed this story on Monday, which was the twentieth anniversary of George Harrison's death, so I posted something else, but it turns out that George's son Dhani recently remixed his song "Isn't It a Pity?" (from All Things Must Pass) so that the synthesizer track is audible. Let's see what it adds to the song:


EDIT: Wild guess, but maybe Jeff Lynne is playing that track? I'll check when the song is over.

EDIT TWO: I like it. The synthesizer adds an ethereal quality that underscores George's lyrics. Ironically, it makes it sound more "natural" and heightens the melancholy wisdom of the track and the album as a whole. But no, it was not Jeff Lynne on the synthesizer. It was George, himself.

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Yeah, I was working the AIDS hospice up top at Cedars-Sinai wayyy long before I even kissed a man. I saw the very best and the very, very worst that humanity has to offer. Some people weren’t even human, such cruelty. I mean so many were just like “oh, he’s dead. Do you want his stuff? No? I don’t want it either. I don’t want to carry that home.” Fucked up bullshit like that. I clench my jaws and grind my teeth, so I can’t go further. Fuckers! Fucking assholes.

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I have no idea either, but it’ll still be tough for the GOP due to Eugene and the University of Oregon. All them pointy-headed intellectuals and all.

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I wish Pence were leading the charge on this because... Oh, wait, he fucked it up royally.

Yeah Biden is Building Back Better as usual.

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Irony, right?

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Are Trumps alive? Aside from Mary, the evidence is not yet in but it looks unfavorable.

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Fuckin clouds again :/

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I hope I have time to watch this soon. Ta, Evan.

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The cop was afeared!

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