Subcategory: magnificent

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Well, yes. I would hope that part was implied.

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And how spiteful the GOPers will be when/if they take over the govt. in 2022/24...

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I move that the reporter of this piece receive supplemental pay at the rate established for hazard pay for "work duty that causes extreme physical discomfort and distress which is not adequately alleviated by protective devices." If listening to all that drivel isn't distressing, nothing is. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Do I hear a second?

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Stellar work, Liz. No way I could listen (busy at work), so I'm glad it's your job.

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Plot twist, that's the Indica

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Never thought I'd see a day when a stint working at the White House would be considered a resume stain.

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seconded - all in favour?

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so...was this good?

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"It's probably not a great thing when the closest analog to your client is always and forever Richard Nixon."

Glorious understatement! Thanks for this, Liz Dye.

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Here's a list if anyone is interested. Quite coincidental they almost all occurred during the election campaign or after Trump lost the election...


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I'm wondering if the hypothetical question about a sitting president releasing all records out of spite or revenge included who requested the release. If no one made the request wouldn't the sitting president be in violation of the PRA? Or maybe this incorporated a request from Congress?

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I'm not complaining, she's very good!

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so does he lose now and we argue about the standard later?

Now, please!

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The "every imaginable scenario" type of hearing. These are exhausting. You want to say to the judge(s), "did you stay up all night thinking up absurd hypotheticals that have little or no bearing on the issues at hand?"

Then again, this involves Donald-fucking-Trump, and the RWNJs at SCOTUS loom, so they have to cover their bases.

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