That twink is so not hot.

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I had to miss this ...event. Any rape questions?

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In a year he will invite you to his house, tell you he is an exceptional businessman, and sell you some Amway soap, DVDs and cassettes. According to my Meriam/Webster, his picture matches Piece of Shit.

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Why the heck does Chuckles keep addressing him as "Treasurer Mandel"? Is that a hereditary title in Ohio?

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There are no atheists around the repair bay. No guns either.

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Anyway, who says he was an officer or NCO?

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Will they have bayonets?

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Why are Jewish Republicans such total twerps? Their bubbes must be so ashamed at canasta.

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"he will be old enough to be the FIRST TEENAGE PRESIDENT! Go Josh!" Hey that might work if he can convince everyone to count his age in dog years.

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340 employees does count as a small business in most fields. SBA counts up to 500 employees as a small business, 1000 employees where lobbyists have been generous.

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Joe might slip you a business card, even. He does seem like a guy that you'd enjoy having a beer with.

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There is simply no way I could listen to this guy in person talk about anything of substance. All I can see is an 8yo in his skinny uncles's suit; tripping over the extra foot of leg.

He'd say sumptin like: "...but we <i>have</i> to stop borrowing money to..." And I'd say: " ...so <i>how</i> the fuck old are you again?"

Bet he gets it all the time. It prolly burns him up too. Be an easy way to hang him up in a debate, methinks.

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Different rule for different kinds of bidnesses. In service biz it's $7.5m/yr in revenue, or maybe more, they just changed the rules..

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People who indicate the number three by holding up their third, fourth and fifth fingers fingers are evil, at least in this

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Brown must be saying to himself, "I can't believe I'm not crushing this guy."

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