Per Wikipedia -

<blockquote>On June 25, 2009, the General Assembly voted to allow the people to decide whether to keep the name or drop "Providence Plantations" due to the misperception that the name relates to slavery.[15] The referendum election was held on this subject during the November 2, 2010 elections, and the people overwhelmingly voted (78% to 22%) to keep the original name.</blockquote>

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my folks got cataract surgery a couple years ago and now both of those assholes see way better than me.

hope it all works out jukes!

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this is the thing - no matter how mad i get at dems/barry - that keeps me awake at night thinking of republicans wins.

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thanks wonkette! that was the most painless / quickest summary of asshole vs. academic evah!

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Say, is this the <i> real <i/> Commie Mommie?</i>

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Maybe it does. But I want to kill these chunks of coal. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Gy-kgL8yA">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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98 Warrens, Al Franken and Kirsten Gillibrand, please.

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Well, it's not the capability to act with intent, so no.

But coal <em>is</em> death. Digging it out of the ground kills people. Coal smoke kills 30,000 Americans every year, and ruins the respiratory health of millions. And that's before you even start to consider the land and food wars global warming will bring about, or the storm and flooding deaths, or the starvation from failed crops due to flooding/drought.

Coal is death.

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Is that a rhetorical question?

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<blockquote>She's got him on the control of the Senate, and everyone remembers how health care nearly didn't pass because he won that special election. She's ready to remind everyone. </blockquote>

The special election where the only part of his campaign that wasn't "Hey, I drive a <em>truck</em>" was "I'll be the 41st vote to filibuster healthcare"?

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Well yeah, and now they work better because of the Lilly Ledbetter Act. It's not like there wasn't a poster-child for why the old laws weren't good enough.

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Poor Scotty. Spanked by Reid on the floor and used to mop the floor by Warren.

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Longer still. December 2007. Ended what... Q1 2010 officially? Can't remember, but definitely over by mid-2010.

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Not to mention, one party asserting that they'll do the exact opposite of the other party, whatever that might mean, just because, and also that if they're ever in power, they'll repeal what the other party did, again just because, is probably the single best way to increase uncertainty.

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I read the alt-text and thought "Oh, I'll be there"

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