LIVE: Debate Winners Rally For Debate Winners! Only Debate Winners Get To Talk!
Today on WonkTV!
Kamala Harris is in Charlotte, North Carolina, today!
Watch your next president talk about all the things, plus whoever else she brings with her, starting at about 3:40 p.m. Eastern.
Evan has a new side project called The Moral High Ground, you should check it out and subscribe there too!
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@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
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My daughter, who is expecting a baby in February, suffered a miscarriage last year. That was heartbreaking, but because she lives in Michigan, she wasn't arrested or denied care. Her doctor wasn't threatened for fulfilling the Hippocratic Oath. Roe needs to be restored!
Meanwhile, Trump is about to kick off a rally in a Tucson hall named in honor of Linda Ronstadt, who is going after him HARD on social media. I’ve never heard Linda Ronstadt criticize anybody.