Ta, Evan.

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That Capitol Building chamber now radiates some of THE most breathtaking beauty radiating vividly on this planet, and not simply that of these absolutely lovely women accepting these meaningful Congressional awards.

There is nothing as appealing, desirable, and just awe-inspiringly beautiful as giving a genuine damn and taking action to ease some of the too abundant suffering on this big blue rock.

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Forget the Supreme Court?? I'll never be over Macho Grande!

" Supreme Court rules Trump will stay on Colorado ballot despite Jan. 6 attack"

• Moving quickly to rule for Trump, Supreme Court says states may not disqualify a former president for having ‘engaged in insurrection.’


Shorter: Jazuz. They'll let anyone into this restaurant.

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Nine-zip, which is the way the ruling appeared headed after oral argument.

Everyone agreed that states lack the authority to enforce Sec. 3 of the 14th against a candidate for POTUS. That's more than sufficient to support a reversal here, but five of those fuckers (per curiam opinion, candy-ass author chose not to sign) went off the rails and decided unnecessary issues in wingnutty ways.

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If the States REALLY can’t run their own elections then federalize the whole shebang. Fish or cut bait, y’all. Shit or get off the pot.

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Oh, but "States Rights" and all that. And yes, those asshats will see zero conflict between supporting States Rights "here", but limiting States Rights "there" ... on a specific thing that has already been allocated to the States (i.e. the manner in which they run elections)

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So they moved quickly to keep him on the ballot, but are dragging their feet to say that presidents don't have immunity if they commit crimes.

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Such as putting a hit job on a SCOTUS jurist. Does the majority of the high court even have a brain?

Welp, as the kids say, no justice, no peace.

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>>Moving quickly to rule for Trump, Supreme Court says states may not disqualify a former president for having ‘engaged in insurrection.’<<



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Apparently SCOTUS unanimously decided that it’s not up to states to enforce that part of the Constitution, but Congress. So it’s practically unenforceable.

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That explains why Trump is still trying to overthrow the government. Because the authorities won't do anything about it.

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"State's rights" my wild Irish ass...

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Women get what MATTERS done when no one else will attend to it.

It's kind of been our thing since our incarnation.

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did you ever read Anne Cameron's "Daughters of Copperwoman" stories? The one about Copperwoman and SnotBoy comes to mind...

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Oh, you've just become closer to my heart! I used to keep several copies of Daughters of Copperwoman around just so I could give away copies. I still have my original, as well as the updated one. AAMOF, I have a copy in my bag right now to share w/a colleague.

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No I have not and I'm not particularly proud of that. That's a title currently on my list of "Must Acquire..." books.

I need to go shopping.

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I strongly encourage that! Also, "Tales of the Cairds," which is about the Euro legends of her own heritage, and the followup to Copperwoman, "Dzelarhons: Mythology of the Northwest Coast." I appreciate that she sought permission to publish from the grandmothers of the tribal community she grew up with, and then also worked to share the stories of pre-Christian white people.

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We learned the hard way we have to do it ourselves.

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OVERPAID HACKS. This is life out of balance and I'm really pissed there was no recorded dissent. I want Biden to win, but I wonder how many Dems would be willing to fix what's wrong, even if they had more than a razor-thin majority in both houses of Congress. I'm angry that voting Biden in is OK but not voting Blue up and down the ballots should be inexcusable at this point. Well, I go to the polls in my state tomorrow.


The wealthy in this country better understand that it's taxes or their asses (with votes).

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In a perfect world, OHJB would stride up to the podium at the SOTU, announce to Republicans that he was sick of their motherfucking shit, and then punctuate his remarks by firing off a machine gun a la President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.

Hey, an EQ can dream.

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I'm constantly baffled why Joe hasn't leaned more into the "cranky Irishman" persona. It's his best one!

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It's coming out more and more. His comms people seem to be pretty savvy, I hope they encourage him.

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Ice cream gun. That only shoots gross flavours nobody likes (rum raisin, spumoni, bubble gum, tiger tail)

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Hey- I LIKE rum raisin

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GOOD rum raisin.

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What is tiger tail? *looks intrigued*

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Peanut butter. Ick.

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ew, had to look up tiger tail, was hoping maybe it was a peanut butter chocolate thing, but nooooo, it's much weirder than that

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It's a Canadian thing - no one seems to know who originated it or why it's still hanging on when its popularity peaked 50 years ago. I like black licorice but not in my ice cream, TYVM.

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OK, I looked it up, and......BLARG!

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I’ll eat the rum raisin ice cream nobody else wants.

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And I'll take the spumoni, if nobody else wants it.

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You can have my share!

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Won't someone please think about the burrito coverings?!

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Then he puts down the gun and picks up an ice cream cone.

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I confess, this is the only part of this hypothetical I like.

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And only then does the press take notice.

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"I'll take S.O.S. for $400"

"This is considered by many to be the only positive thing Condoleeza Rice did while Secretary of State in the George W. Bush administration."

"What is the International Women of Courage Award?"

"Correct. The board is still yours."

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Nice times!

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