World Classic Hair Gel!

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And yet, at the same time, there's nobody worthwhile in the GOP to stand up to him. Just a bunch of cowards who can't decide which way to jump.

(Mind you, the concept of somebody "worthwhile" in the former Party of Lincoln, now the Party of Strom Thurmond and Donald Trump, is an antiquated concept.)

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He's talking about the drip, drip, drip of gonorrhea?

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"Dammit, I stepped on the guy with the bayonet with my stocking feet again! You're fired!"

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I'd like to ask for a fanboat chase through the alligator-infested Everglades, and at least one big explosion.

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Yep a drip drip drip - more like: https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Topless Midnight Jet Ski Ride is the name of my Starland Vocal Band tribute group.

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big nothingburger. waste of 9 minutes.

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...to graphic novel version of The Fountainhead.

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And some bikini babes with Assault Rifles

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FL panhandle sorta guy. Is he a wounded warrior?

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That ill-fitting coat was kind of interesting, though.

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*Dr. Evil voice*

All I'm asking for is a POP SONG with some FRIKKIN' LASER BEAMS SHOOTING FROM IT!

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