Does anyone know where I can find the transcript?

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Ta, Evan. Kamala started out great, and is getting better as time passes.

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The fight to push forward to meet the real problems of the future, not desperately holding on to tired old delusion of a fictional past.

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Lol she stole PAB’s “tears in their eyes” line. Except it’s true and she cares about others

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Sadly, the sound is horrendous. :/

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If Dumb DonOld put as much effort into his golf as MVP puts into campaigning, he wouldn't NEED to cheat.

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Given how badly Donnie cheats at golf, that much effort seems like wasted effort.

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I don't even understand the point, why cheat at golf? Just go out and relax and have a good time!

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"Pabs is sick in the head."

-- Commodore Obvious

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On this day in 1851, the first edition of The New York Times was published. I'd like to think that the publisher would be disgusted by what it has devolved into over the course of 173 years.

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Too bad we can't use Obama's time machine to send a hydrogen bomb back in time to the opening of The New York Tripe.

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Imagine the headline for the first edition, which, well, is about all you could really do after the device detonated.

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"OH SHIT! WHAT THE FU###<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

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Truth is, they have always sanewashed fascism.

Vox: “The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning”

On November 21, 1922, the New York Times published its very first article about Adolf Hitler. It’s an incredible read — especially its assertion that “Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so violent or genuine as it sounded.” This attitude was, apparently, widespread among Germans at the time; many of them saw Hitler’s anti-Semitism as a ploy for votes among the German masses.


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well, sure, all you have to do is say you're "pro-choice", and then you don't sound like you're some kind of a nutball, even if you are.

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It was widespread in a lot of places. Just look at how long the Hitler-appeasement went on.

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Until 2024 at the very least.

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Are these events getting the same press as, say, Springfield, Ohio, or some guy with a gun near Trump?

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You're kidding, right?

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I took it with a heavy shade of dark sarcasm.

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MAGAts definitely tuning in to hear the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's Annual Leadership Conference

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OT: Hezbollah is blown up a second time.

Anton Gerashchenko:

A new wave of mass explosions in Lebanon: walkie-talkies, laptops, phones, separate explosive devices are detonating.

According to preliminary data, about 500 portable radios and radio receivers belonging to Hezbollah members detonated. The explosions reportedly started during the funeral of those killed in the pager explosions.

A security source told Reuters that Hezbollah bought the radios five months ago, at the same time it bought the pagers that exploded yesterday.

Local media also write that vehiclea and scooters are being blown up in the streets of Beirut. The equipment first vibrates, then detonates. The force of the explosion is such that it can destroy a car or scooter.


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Worst "flash mob" performance of the 1812 Overture EVER?

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Who could ever trust any electronic device touched by Israel?

These radios from today's report were made by ICOM, a leading Japanese radio manufacturer,

and somehow diverted and weaponized by Israel.

Would you now buy any electronic device from New York's B&H photo,

one of the largest electronic retailers in the U.S., and owned and staffed by Hasidic Jews?

Maybe seed some of these devices in the US, just in case it would come in handy?

It's not hyperbole when this happens at this scale. What sort of minds think up these things?

What makes you think they would respect -any- borders?

This is indiscriminate genocide. But, just like Trump's planned genocide,

you better not say anything negative because God has placed all of his bets on blood red.

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I'd happily buy stuff from B&H, who I've had great experiences with. I would be flabbergasted if the stuff about them supplying the batteries is true. Only Israeli intelligence knows how they did this, and they certainly will not be telling.

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Well, this is a targeted attack on known terrorists, so better than just blowing up apartment buildings in Gaza. Not sure it's going to help Israel achieve better security, though.

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Its effective psy-ops

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And no innocent non-Arab civilians were harmed!

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As I said below, it's amazing how good their intel is.

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Especially when maiming and killing children by remote control.

Just amazing.

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Well, to be fair, huge numbers of innocent children get killed and maimed in any war. This is much more targeted that flattening a whole apartment block to kill a couple of fighters.

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Did you guys see this?

"Pagers used in Lebanon attack were manufactured and sold by Hungarian company"


Smells bad. Orban helping Netanyahu.

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Shitbirds of a feather.

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Doubtful that Orban had a hand in this. Orban is on team Russia, which is on team Iran, which is on team Hezbollah.

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Russia is about disruption and terror. The more the merrier. Keeping the world on edge, creating vacuums of trust wherever possible, filling that vacuum with hate and weapons, every humanitarian and moral crisis is an opportunity.

Fuck Russia, and Ted Cruz

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I don't think it is working like that. Not in this case. It is more complicated.

Putin and Bibi are authoritarian "friends". Putin's actions in the Middle East are mostly anti-US or anti-EU but not anti-Israel. And vice-versa. Why do you think Israel is staying away from the Ukraine war?

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Imagine if they put all of that creative thought into something other than killing people.

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This is industrial sabotage on a massive scale. It's all good for Mossad, but it implies the compromise of manufacturers, suppliers, and possibly even other states.

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I think what's great and testament to Mossad's skill is that they were able to keep track of all of them to know for definite that they were all in the hands or pockets of terrorists and not their kids when they detonated them. It's amazing that they have that kind of intel.

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You're right, it's not flawless. Compared with most other means of selecting and harming your enemy, it seems fairly effective. If someone let his kids play with it, that's tragic, but it's not as tragic as blowing up a hospital or school to get a few adults. No, I'm not saying that lesser degrees of terrorism are ok. None of it is ok in my book, but if I had choices, I would choose this before wholesale slaughter.

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Do you think so?

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Join the Party of God! Get your free ticket to Paradise!

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"Welcome to suicide bomber training! Pay attention; I'm only going to show this once!"

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Li'l Feller's genius plan seems successful.

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Should have known he was the mastermind.

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Just wait until those assholes start using sexy toys.

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That's funny , and disturbing, to.

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Yeah. I threw up in my mouth a bit.

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Neutron fleshlights?

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Thermal neutrons. That way buildings and structures will be preserved.

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That LF: Always thinking three and-a-half steps ahead.

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I'd be surprised if the vehicles thing is true.

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BTW, Joe Rogan says Kamala is "Nailing it" against loser.

(Fortune) https://archive.is/Fn4uO

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OH NOES! Alex Jones will be crestfallen.

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Coat Alex Jones' crest with superglue so that it stays fallen.

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Sorry, Trump. If you lose Joe Rogaine, you lose big!

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I mean, what's next: Losing trustees of the Heritage Foundation?!?

Oh, wait...

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These are indeed interesting times.

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The Chinese were really on to something.

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It's all in the I Ching.

'Hexagram 64: Fat man will be abandoned by those closest to him. Ketchup will be thrown.'

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The very last hexagram assuming you count them starting at one.

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Better get that in writing. It can be used to bludgeon Rogan when he opens up his mouth again.

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It's not a strict endorsement of her. Basically Rogan is saying that Kamala Harris is campaigning very well. You can say the campaign is going well without wanting to vote for the candidate. Heck, many people here have claimed that Clinton did not campaign well in 2016 and voted for her anyways.

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It was a kinda creepy endorsement.

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Well, yes. A chunk of quartz would not campaign well, but I would still vote for it over Trump.

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Quartz is piezoelectric, meaning you can squeeze it and produce an electric potential. That makes it better at campaigning than JD Vance.

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Fun Fact: Piezoeletricity was discovered and explored by Pierre Curie and his brother Paul-Jacques. Pierre was an outstanding scientist in his own right (the "Curie Temperature" - at which a substance loses its magnetic qualities - is named for him); he would have shared Marie's second Nobel Prize if he hadn't died in a streetcar accident (it's explicit in Nobel's will that the Prizes CANNOT be given to a dead person (which is why a number of truly deserving scientists - e.g. Henry Moseley, Oswald Avery - never got the honor)).

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I knew about Pierre Curie being an accomplished chemist, and would have been a bigger star in the field, except his wife was a superstar. The Curies are basically the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce of chemistry.

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I voted for her but thought she was a terrible candidate. And her campaign managers also blew it. Still she would have won if not for the October surprise by Comey.

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It was yesterday when he said it and no walkbacks yet.

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Major airlines suspend flights to Israel. Explosions at 33,000 feet are not good for anyone.


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He's losing it. The Bloated Assmouth posted this on his Trash Social site:

""Finally everyone is agreeing that I won the Debate with Kamala," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "It was like a delayed reaction but, as one Political Pundit said, 'Trump is still the G.O.A.T.'"

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How's that self pity party going Donald?

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Hannity, Ingraham, Jesse -- they all say it!

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Hey, Dumb DoOld, remember what it says in the Bibble about goats?

'They will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.'

Ha, I made a funny, the Diaper Don has never read the Book of Matthew.

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nope. just two corinthians.

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He just can't move on. I bet bits of the debate replay over and over in his head as he rationalizes and reframes every bit where he failed. It took him what, eight days, to turn an overwhelming loss into him being the greatest of all time.

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Big strong, Nate Silvers with tears in their eyes said “Sir Sir let me pad the polls for you”

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Bitter and belabored desperation.


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"Big, strong, people with tears in their eyes....Sir!.....Sir!"

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Pretty sad and pathetic when one has to keep telling one's self how great they are all the time.

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Someone has to do it.

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And he's the only one who'll do it for free.

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lol "everyone"

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Gross Oleaginous Ass Termite?

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More like a delayed revision.

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"Greatest Orange Anal Tick"?

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Sure Donny, now let's waddle you to the community room, they have cookies out!

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Brown people? Talking to eachother!? CONSPIRACY!!

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Blackdel Test

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Ok - Hispanic voters -

The American Hispanic culture is heavily influenced by the trades industry (carpenters, plumbers, etc.,) - when a house or a warehouse is being built - there is usually a crew of Hispanic dudes managed by a white dude (your mileage may vary) - the crew comes in - they get their marching orders and get to work and the boss goes off to receive a truckload of flooring - but - one more thing happens -

The boss turns on his big DeWalt radio - tuned to Still Dead Rush Limbaugh - turns it up loud and then leaves -

This is Hispanic Civics education -

When your paycheck depends on listening to the radio - you listen to the radio -

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I do not allow talk radio on my jobs. But crews do not usually listen to anything but music anyway, talk requires some attention, which is a distraction from work. Subcontractors are the issue, they can't believe it at first, but are usually fine after a bit.

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I don’t speak Spanish - but I can hear a bit - the political beliefs of many of the crew mimic those of the boss - usually MAgA -

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That's construction and the trades in general. Also, hispanics are generally conservative. There is much racism from everyone. So to keep peace, most talk is about women, sexual exploits, drugs and alcohol. Construction is so fun.

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Yes - blue collar is where the fun is -

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Around here, the roofing crews crank Tejano music while they're working their nail guns.

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Sep 18
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The shirts keep the sun off their skin.

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Sep 20
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A roofer told me that - also the sleeves wick moisture from the skin and evaporate it which is cooling. Not enough, in my book, but I am not a roofer.

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