LIVE: Let's Hear From Taylor Swift's Handlers AKA The White House Press Briefing
Right here on WonkTV!
Watch them pretend it’s “crazy” to believe Joe Biden paid the Ukrainians to pay the Chinese to pay the Venezuelans to pay the Italians to manipute the thermostats to upload the hit songs into Taylor Swift’s head so she can become the most powerful celebrity in the world and endorse Joe Biden.
We know better.
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
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President Biden comforts family of fallen soldier.
No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen:
Wow. Footage just surfaced of President Biden giving a private phone call to the family of a soldier killed last weekend.
He told them that he is promoting their daughter posthumously to sergeant. The family broke down in tears.
Not exactly a paragon of democratic virtue, when asked about Trump’s character flaws, John Bolton replied, “Trump doesn’t have character flaws. Trump doesn’t have character.”