LIVE: No Stupid Questions, Only Stupid Peter Doocys. Today’s White House Briefing!
Today on WonkTV!
Pretty sure we’ve written almost that exact same headline on one of these before, oh well fuck it.
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
If you're shopping on Amazon anyway, this portal gives us a small commission.
Trump is on an Adderall (generic) fueled rage and tweet storm.
But he may have kicked himself in the balls.
He celebrated Judge Cannon likely delaying the date of his trial on mishandling of documents to Oct. 24 and promised to nominate her for the Supreme Court when he becomes President. That's akin to bribing a judge as well as grounds for her to be forced to recuse herself, or possibly by Jack Smith.
Can someone send out for more popcorn?
Me to my new client's psychiatrist.
ICC: You can't just take her off benzos. You and I both know that could lead to seizures or death. I understand you wanting to bring her down, but seriously, you can't just take them away.
Psychiatrist: I wanted to see if you knew your shit.
ICC (doesn't say): Fuck all the way off. Thanks for scaring me to death to prove a point.