I just watched the Meidas Touch on Judge Cannon. She's talking about moving the March (or May) trial dates, because she's messed things up so much, but she doesn't want to move them too far back, and in fact is not moving them anywhere yet because she knows if she moves, Fani Willis will swoop in and grab the May dates. How soon can Jack Smith ask the 11th Circuit to kick her off the trial completely??
Given that Trump said on Lying Ass Social that he will nominate her for a SCOTUS seat if he is back in the WH, that idiot should have to recuse herself.
Another unspeakably stupid question. Al Qaeda is a totally different animal than Hamas. For one thing, Al Qaeda doesn't control territory populated by millions of people.
Half of the population of Gaza is children. Israel knows EXACTLY what it's doing. They're creating more terrorists. Because Likud NEEDS terrorists to exist.
It's a mutually beneficial arrangement for them both and how they keep any other voices sidelined. On the Palestinian side, questions about actually having elections, statehood, running water become academic when bombs are raining down on their heads. On the Israeli side, clamping their hand ever harder on the tiger's tail simply increases the fear of ordinary Israelis over what will happen if they ever let go with Hamas' actions serving as a prime example.
And anyone who says that violence isn't the solution is a namby-pamby liberal at best, a traitor at worst.
That's what makes it so hard to figure out, isn't it. Yes, they need each other. Bibi to stay out of prison, Hamas to stay in power; even if their individual leadership and membership all die.
"Actual agenda" is the hard part to savvy. All we can know is what we see. Everything we hear is calculated to motivate us one direction or the other, not to inform us.
Hmm, so PAB wants to make Cannon a SCOTUS justice, eh?
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(b)Whoever—(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official . . . , with intent—
(A)to influence any official act;
shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
My freaking dawg. Douchey is suggesting that we're somehow in support of Hamas by working to allow humanitarian aide and advocating Israel consider a pause in their offensive.
That fucking shitsack festers fetidly far beneath contempt.
Ok, then when you see me make a Reek joke (will almost always be about someone who worships TFG) then you can thank the unknown person who gave you the joke.
Because other news organizations cry, cry, crrrrryyyyyyy whenever this openly partisan propaganda network that works hand-in-hand with Republicans gets excluded for being exactly what it is.
So far as I can tell, this is literally the only criterion under which news orgs will go to bat for each other.
The orange fucking moron kept certain news outlets out. Biden reinstated everyone. Why they put up with his shit is crazy making and Fux does it on purpose.
Legal eagles last night were talking about this. Judge Chutkan isn't delaying the 1/6 trial unless PAB is dead. Her trial will be relatively short and in no way will buck up against Cannon's June date. And in fact, it would be common practice for Cannon to call Chutkan and ask for an idea on how long the 1/6 case will go. Conclusions were mostly this: If Cannon kicks it down more than a week or two, fine; any longer than that, and it's manipulated bullshit on behalf of team Trump.
While paul retired after 23 years in the Army as a high ranking NCO I do have a grasp of just how crippling Traitorswill's malign manipulations of officer promotions has actually been. And it has been damned deleterious to say the least.
23 years and high-ranking NCO is a problem with the armed serviced.
Because we all know he knew a shit-ton more than most of his "superiors".
I've always believed that rank should be on merit and experience (another way to say 'merit') rather than just education.
And I don't want to bash those who went to college and got their degrees because that's not easy either.
But I'll follow that NCO long before I follow the green Officer who commands the NCO.
The way they covered this in Band of Brothers was pretty good from a theme point of view but a little over the top in making the green officer seem impotent.
An NCO with 23 years' service is probably a Sergeant Major. Generally speaking, someone at that rank would be a Colonel's right-hand man or woman, and assisting with running a battalion or brigade. And yeah, technically speaking, a lieutenant outranks them, but in reality if you're a lieutenant and trying to pull rank on a sergeant major then you're not going to last long in the army.
I say 1st LT's pull rank on Sergeant Majors and 1st SGT's more than once and LT didn't go away.
Because they weren't wrong. I mean it was always some petty thing that didn't really matter but it was the pulling rank on someone who knew a lot more about it than they did that got my attention.
I just watched the Meidas Touch on Judge Cannon. She's talking about moving the March (or May) trial dates, because she's messed things up so much, but she doesn't want to move them too far back, and in fact is not moving them anywhere yet because she knows if she moves, Fani Willis will swoop in and grab the May dates. How soon can Jack Smith ask the 11th Circuit to kick her off the trial completely??
Given that Trump said on Lying Ass Social that he will nominate her for a SCOTUS seat if he is back in the WH, that idiot should have to recuse herself.
Well yeah, but I think that is coming.
"No hate sees the light of day". Karine, luv, to do this, the PAB must be permanently gagged.
Legally or physically.
I know which way my vote would go.
Narrator: "This is totally on-topic."
Narrator Supervisor: "No it's not."
Narrator: "Why are you cock-blocking me?"
Me: "What about Bob?"
Narrator Supervisor: "Bob?"
Narrator: "Yeah, who's Bob?"
Me: "Bob had a buff that gives me 50% immunity to all damage except Psychic damage."
Narrator: "Does anyone even do psychic damage?"
Narrator Supervisor: "Yeah, that one guy. But mostly only him."
Me: "'Mostly'????"
Narrator Supervisor: "Well there are a few others but they're one-shots. They only have 8-12 HP each. So pretty much not a factor."
Me: "I kind of killed Bob a little bit a long time ago."
Narrator: "How long ago?"
Me: "Last save with Bob alive was about 60 hours ago."
Narrator Supervisor: "Oh. You're fucked then."
Narrator: "As Narrator Supervisor said, this was totally on-topic. Or wait. I said that. And I was right."
Another unspeakably stupid question. Al Qaeda is a totally different animal than Hamas. For one thing, Al Qaeda doesn't control territory populated by millions of people.
Yeah, like Dark Brandon has Hezbollah on a short leash. Geeze. These incompetent stenographers do not live in the real fucking world.
Half of the population of Gaza is children. Israel knows EXACTLY what it's doing. They're creating more terrorists. Because Likud NEEDS terrorists to exist.
"deleted because I have nothing good to say about fucking Israel and it was probably over the top"
Likud is doing exactly what Hamas knew they would do.
I'm no strategist, but it's my understanding that it's generally bad to do exactly what your enemy wants you to do.
It's a mutually beneficial arrangement for them both and how they keep any other voices sidelined. On the Palestinian side, questions about actually having elections, statehood, running water become academic when bombs are raining down on their heads. On the Israeli side, clamping their hand ever harder on the tiger's tail simply increases the fear of ordinary Israelis over what will happen if they ever let go with Hamas' actions serving as a prime example.
And anyone who says that violence isn't the solution is a namby-pamby liberal at best, a traitor at worst.
Depends a lot on what your actual agenda is. Hamas and Bibi need each other to stay in power.
That's what makes it so hard to figure out, isn't it. Yes, they need each other. Bibi to stay out of prison, Hamas to stay in power; even if their individual leadership and membership all die.
"Actual agenda" is the hard part to savvy. All we can know is what we see. Everything we hear is calculated to motivate us one direction or the other, not to inform us.
The MSM ignores this reality, as well as MEGO shit such as water rights in the Jordan Valley. Because pew pew pew makes for much higher ratings.
The members of the fourth estate do understand that they will be out of jobs and possibly imprisoned if Trump is elected, right?
That's what Two Scoops was snarling in their faces in 2016. So they went to the office and wrote stacks of "but her emails".
No, they do not know that. They think their ownership, and their innate virtue, will protect them.
They really do think that.
Won't they be surprised, should that happen.
Hmm, so PAB wants to make Cannon a SCOTUS justice, eh?
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
(b)Whoever—(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official . . . , with intent—
(A)to influence any official act;
shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
So no President Favre?
All right! Fine him three SCOTUS judges!
More superseding indictments!
Have you noted that rules and laws mostly don't apply much any more when we're talking about any Republican you've ever heard of?
There's always a wickedly perverse exception for them.
My freaking dawg. Douchey is suggesting that we're somehow in support of Hamas by working to allow humanitarian aide and advocating Israel consider a pause in their offensive.
That fucking shitsack festers fetidly far beneath contempt.
He'd do better to just ask Biden why Biden is the age that he is and why real Americans should find that he's an age to be acceptable.
I surely do appreciate the restraint Admiral Kirby shows in not leaping over the podium and throttling Reek for stupid.
The man's sure and steady self-control is to be commended.
Reek's life is without any worth.
Man... Reek is such a good meme that I have totally ignored in my joke repertoire.
But thank you for reminding me of it because I'm sure I can work that one in so many times.
And every time I do and you see it you can take credit for it.
Oh, someone came up with it long ago during the Psaki administration, and it was not mine. But I carry the standard proudly.
I remember it being first applied to Mittens when he went groveling to TFG to be *something* ...
Ok, then when you see me make a Reek joke (will almost always be about someone who worships TFG) then you can thank the unknown person who gave you the joke.
His only worth is as a mindless Murdoch puppet, working to damage the Biden administration.
He's a fucking malevolent cartoon character.
oh lord! someone left the playpen open again.
Middle school students could do better than Head Start dropout Reek.
Fuck you, Peter.
Why is fake ass Fox news even allowed in there? Jesus Christ.
Because other news organizations cry, cry, crrrrryyyyyyy whenever this openly partisan propaganda network that works hand-in-hand with Republicans gets excluded for being exactly what it is.
So far as I can tell, this is literally the only criterion under which news orgs will go to bat for each other.
But Fox could send some other dummy in.
The orange fucking moron kept certain news outlets out. Biden reinstated everyone. Why they put up with his shit is crazy making and Fux does it on purpose.
I'd say "Thank you for your question, Peter. I'll provide you with a written answer at a later date." Then move on. Why waist everyone's time?
Exactly. Why even pretend he's a legit journalist?
He's an absolute vile piece of shit.
Reek asks a stupid question, right on schedule.
It's the Fux plan.
DOJ Warns Judge Cannon That Trump Is Trying To ‘Manipulate’ Her In Documents Case To Delay Trials
The PAB moved to postpone the documents case because of of the upcoming 1/6 trial, and then moved to postpone the 1/6 trial.
Legal eagles last night were talking about this. Judge Chutkan isn't delaying the 1/6 trial unless PAB is dead. Her trial will be relatively short and in no way will buck up against Cannon's June date. And in fact, it would be common practice for Cannon to call Chutkan and ask for an idea on how long the 1/6 case will go. Conclusions were mostly this: If Cannon kicks it down more than a week or two, fine; any longer than that, and it's manipulated bullshit on behalf of team Trump.
Well fucking duh.
Well yeah but what if she WANTS to be manipulated? Checkmate, libs.
She's totally open to being manipulated by her cult leader.
"I grab them by gavel. You can do that when you're a celebrity."
He gave her the job now its time to suck his ass every time he demands it.
I'm sure the damned dolt already knows this and is right on board with the plan.
She's a fascist fluffer, pure and simple.
And now he's also offered to bribe her by appointing her to the Supreme Court.
Which justice is he going to have iced to get that chair.
Peter Doocey: "Why did President Biden authorize Antifa to take away our penises? And what do I do with this 12 y/o boy I kidnapped now?"
Adopt them, apparently.
While paul retired after 23 years in the Army as a high ranking NCO I do have a grasp of just how crippling Traitorswill's malign manipulations of officer promotions has actually been. And it has been damned deleterious to say the least.
23 years and high-ranking NCO is a problem with the armed serviced.
Because we all know he knew a shit-ton more than most of his "superiors".
I've always believed that rank should be on merit and experience (another way to say 'merit') rather than just education.
And I don't want to bash those who went to college and got their degrees because that's not easy either.
But I'll follow that NCO long before I follow the green Officer who commands the NCO.
The way they covered this in Band of Brothers was pretty good from a theme point of view but a little over the top in making the green officer seem impotent.
An NCO with 23 years' service is probably a Sergeant Major. Generally speaking, someone at that rank would be a Colonel's right-hand man or woman, and assisting with running a battalion or brigade. And yeah, technically speaking, a lieutenant outranks them, but in reality if you're a lieutenant and trying to pull rank on a sergeant major then you're not going to last long in the army.
Well that wasn't my experience.
I say 1st LT's pull rank on Sergeant Majors and 1st SGT's more than once and LT didn't go away.
Because they weren't wrong. I mean it was always some petty thing that didn't really matter but it was the pulling rank on someone who knew a lot more about it than they did that got my attention.
But they lasted.
I was in about 9-1/2 years.
That's rough. I was in for 4 years and never saw that happen.
I was in a position to see things most troops wouldn't see.
E.g. as a mental health dude I was often around Commanders.