Especially when there is *real work* still to be done that we could and should be doing instead


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Protection for whom? That is a pretty general statement for a very complex issue.

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Maybe not equal size -- oh, not that George Wallace. Oops.

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I think pretty much any time they're not actively being guillotined, they're doing pretty good for themselves.

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I mean, I AGREED the questions were bad, but he still could have just dodged them well and not stormed off like he did, allowing the Sinclair group to casually inform everyone he did so.

The main area Youngkin's hammering him his schools and "parental choice" which McAuliffe has given bad, complex answers to that are easy to soundbite against him when Youngkin is pro school privatization, which is not popular here and McAuliffe only JUST got smart enough to hammer him on.

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Racism and "parents choice" about what's taught in schools (aka pro mobs against school boards). He suck sooooo much.

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It's balanced by the more representative nature of the House of Representatives (by the way, enlarging the House won't necessarily make Congress more "democratic" in either sense of the term - I crunched some numbers, and making it bigger wouldn't have that much of an effect).

And it was necessary back in the 1780s to split Congress into two houses (like the House of Commons and the House of Lords) in order to get the whole constitution thing passed.

I know we like to gripe how Wyoming and California both have the same number of senators, and how is that fair - but Vermont and Texas also have two senators each.....

I am old enough to remember a Senate that *worked* for the good of the country as a whole, so it probably isn't really a structural defect. Maybe it has something to do with one of the two parties refusing to play nice?

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ISWYDT, but seriously, speaking as a nature-lover, the "world's largest granite outcropping" has suffered enough. I support defunding the annual cleaning budget of the carving and allowing it to be defaced over time by the plants and animals that claim granite as their habitat. You can have a voice in this, too. https://stonemountainaction...

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(Is he somebody or a rando?)

Looks like the young white guys are a problem: https://www.insidehighered....

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As he left he said "I already gave you extra time" and "You should have asked better questions."

Of course Sinclair's going to massage it into some bullshit.

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I hate that memorial. They literally made King white. It's just appalling.

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you mean the memorial where they misquoted King and changed the meaning of his words?

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You don't say!

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White, male, and no college is the demographic

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They would assassinate him all over again.

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