I was busy with a doctor's appt so didn't watch it. I imagine he didn't say that Kamala Harris didn't used to be black but turned black not too long ago, like PAB did at the National Association of Black Journalists meeting. He was treated so unfairly there. So unfairly.
Thailand? I was in a Thai hospital for a bit...it is kinda looney...nurses sat on the Doctors lap in my presence...they giggled when I was in a Gown at the sight of a Farang ...but they were competent and super cheap!
While I'm expressing various sentiments I also LOVE this ASL interpreter. I can turn down the volume and by watching her "hear" both what is being articulated but also emotionally expressed. The woman communicates EVERY facet of what is being said.
At concerts I love watching the ASL interpreters, because they clearly love the band and the songs, and because their work is so emotional and fluid. I always enjoy familiar songs when interpreted by them.
I've found myself dissolving into tears watching a few of the most emotive interpreters. There have been a few that literally became "one" with the music, serving as virtually a living amplifier for what was being melodically expressed.
On All in the Family, Archie had a near miss at work when a crate fell and crushed his lunch box right next to him. Of course, for a brief moment Archie becomes religious, talks about going to church to Edith's delight, and says God saved him.
Finally, Mike gets pissed and says "has it occurred to you that God was trying to kill you, and missed?"
Whoa, Biden just tweeted "I HATE RIGHT SAID FRED". Wait no he didn't, that would be a mentally ill thing for a president to do, it's stupid and puerile and the signifier of a diseased mind.
My Miele died after 22 years. Worked like a champ, and nearly silent. I’m getting a new one soon. They’re one of the few companies that makes an 18” machine, which is just right for my small kitchen.
Iz probably best--honestly, if I could think of something to stick where our dishwasher is I'd just take it out and forget about it (I guess we could use it as a drying rack)...
I washed dishes outside at a Rainbow Gathering Kitchen, 'Instant Soup' that was made out of tied together branches and plastic buckets....hot water was off a Cannibal pot over a wood fire...I think I could handle your kitchen...: )
Oh yeah, that was another consideration, because I'm in a tiny condo with a passthrough wall to the kitchen - I sorted them by sound when I was making a list.
Bosch, with upper and lower spray arms. I'd only had the cheap single-armed ones before, and it's amazing how much flexibility you gain when you can put bowls anywhere without ending up with dirty dishes in the top rack.
"When people ask me...What's gonna happen if the Flip - Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo...when the Illegal human "Locust" (which she supports!) Need places to live...We'll already have the addresses of the their New families...who supported their arrival!" Portage OH Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski wrote on Facebook.
Republicans of Portage County can rest easy that their Sheriff will apply the laws equally to Democrats. He will not apply the laws at all to Trump supporters.
We put up a fairly large Harris/Walz sign on our roadside. We heard a lot of gunfire yesterday (pretty common where we are in the sticks) and my lovely lady said "What the hell is all that?" I said, "Sounds like someone's practicing for something." She was less than amused and what you just relayed makes blood run cold.
OT: Your favorite president posted "I HATE TAYLOR SMITH" last night apparently on his Twitter knockoff.
Yeah, an idiot who can't deal with rejection from a young woman and is this unhinged definitely needs to have control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal.*
* Russia may have more weapons, but the chance that 50 percent of them won't work these days is pretty real.
Edit: I meant "TAYLOR SWIFT," obviously. I blame spell check.
Ta, Evan. Maybe I can catch this another time.
I was busy with a doctor's appt so didn't watch it. I imagine he didn't say that Kamala Harris didn't used to be black but turned black not too long ago, like PAB did at the National Association of Black Journalists meeting. He was treated so unfairly there. So unfairly.
I can tell you categorically that he did not say that
Whew! I thought he probably didn't, but it's good to have confirmation.
Biden is surely fuming at Harris for having engineered that coup against him. So undemocratic! /MORE sarc ....
Joe was really good here.
OxFam: Best and Worst States to Work in the U.S. 2024 [https://webassets.oxfamamerica.org/media/documents/Oxfam_America_Best_and_Worst_States_to_work_in_the_US_2024.pdf]
For women: Top 10: Oregon, New York, California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada
Bottom 10: West Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Texas, Wyoming, Georgia, Utah, Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi
They didn't even try in Idaho, probably....
Who ya gonna call? GODZILLA BUSTERS! Skip to 1:30 for the good stuff. Trigger warning: reptile.
Thailand? I was in a Thai hospital for a bit...it is kinda looney...nurses sat on the Doctors lap in my presence...they giggled when I was in a Gown at the sight of a Farang ...but they were competent and super cheap!
Strong little bugger.
That poor reptile.
There are few environments less hospitable to a lizard than an operating room.
While I'm expressing various sentiments I also LOVE this ASL interpreter. I can turn down the volume and by watching her "hear" both what is being articulated but also emotionally expressed. The woman communicates EVERY facet of what is being said.
She is brilliantly fluent.
At concerts I love watching the ASL interpreters, because they clearly love the band and the songs, and because their work is so emotional and fluid. I always enjoy familiar songs when interpreted by them.
I've found myself dissolving into tears watching a few of the most emotive interpreters. There have been a few that literally became "one" with the music, serving as virtually a living amplifier for what was being melodically expressed.
On All in the Family, Archie had a near miss at work when a crate fell and crushed his lunch box right next to him. Of course, for a brief moment Archie becomes religious, talks about going to church to Edith's delight, and says God saved him.
Finally, Mike gets pissed and says "has it occurred to you that God was trying to kill you, and missed?"
How is he still alive and presidenting? I was assured he was a drooling skeleton.
And doing so well at it besides! God, I love that smile of his...
What I love most about Handsome Joe is that he gives a genuine damn and demonstrates genuine respect.
He has a helluva lot of humility for a white male politician.
He and the esteemed Mr.Carter walk the walk of their respective faiths. As a non-believer of all religions, I have the utmost respect for them both.
We have been incredibly fortunate to live at the same time as two of this nation's most honorable public servants on record.
Whoa, Biden just tweeted "I HATE RIGHT SAID FRED". Wait no he didn't, that would be a mentally ill thing for a president to do, it's stupid and puerile and the signifier of a diseased mind.
To tweet that you hate them, you'd have to first be aware that they exist.
Biden, after all, is still too sexy for his shirt.
That's just the problem. It is technically impossible to be too sexy for any shirt.
I'm generally considered too sexy for my pants, so I leave em home.
Well really, don't we all?
Objection: I own a bowling shirt that looks good on approximately zero people. Including yours queerly.
Mmmmm "Puffy Shirt" on line two...
He's too sexy for the ex President anyway.
Gots to recognize the hibbacoos! (HBCUs)
They produce a majority of the African American PhDs in this country.
The kids are alright. Also, don't mess with the robotics team's money.
Reminds me of War Games, except that dude was trying to fix his grades.
OT--if you have a dishwasher you like (besides yourself or spouse) please let me know.
We have a KitchenAid that’s now over 15 years old. It’s gotten noisier with age but still quieter than the Whirlpool it replaced.
My Miele died after 22 years. Worked like a champ, and nearly silent. I’m getting a new one soon. They’re one of the few companies that makes an 18” machine, which is just right for my small kitchen.
I don't even have a boy fren, so I have to wash my own deeshes.
Iz probably best--honestly, if I could think of something to stick where our dishwasher is I'd just take it out and forget about it (I guess we could use it as a drying rack)...
Okay then.
Crap, I was going to volunteer...
I'm so sick of this kitchen I wouldn't make you deal with it!
I washed dishes outside at a Rainbow Gathering Kitchen, 'Instant Soup' that was made out of tied together branches and plastic buckets....hot water was off a Cannibal pot over a wood fire...I think I could handle your kitchen...: )
Me. I hand wash my dishes. And I like that handsome fellow. He does all the work. Despite being often on the lazy side.
Bought a Bosch about 15 years ago - still working great.
When we built our new house we bought a Bosch. Love it! it's QUIET.
Oh yeah, that was another consideration, because I'm in a tiny condo with a passthrough wall to the kitchen - I sorted them by sound when I was making a list.
Bosch, with upper and lower spray arms. I'd only had the cheap single-armed ones before, and it's amazing how much flexibility you gain when you can put bowls anywhere without ending up with dirty dishes in the top rack.
I have a Maytag. Works great, no problems after > 5 yrs.
My old office had Bosch in every kitchenette (4!), and they're the bees knees.
I have a GE dishwasher.
"When people ask me...What's gonna happen if the Flip - Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo...when the Illegal human "Locust" (which she supports!) Need places to live...We'll already have the addresses of the their New families...who supported their arrival!" Portage OH Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski wrote on Facebook.
Republicans of Portage County can rest easy that their Sheriff will apply the laws equally to Democrats. He will not apply the laws at all to Trump supporters.
I simply cannot contemplate such an outcome at this moment in time.
We put up a fairly large Harris/Walz sign on our roadside. We heard a lot of gunfire yesterday (pretty common where we are in the sticks) and my lovely lady said "What the hell is all that?" I said, "Sounds like someone's practicing for something." She was less than amused and what you just relayed makes blood run cold.
(eyes the Rules significantly)
Taylor Swift's boyfriend, that sports guy, endorsed Harris today.
Which means the entire Kansas City Chiefs endorses her.
Then Trump is doomed...it doesn't pay to berate Travis Kelse's girl friend...
Obviously <something only dipshit misogynists say about a woman's influence>.
OT: Your favorite president posted "I HATE TAYLOR SMITH" last night apparently on his Twitter knockoff.
Yeah, an idiot who can't deal with rejection from a young woman and is this unhinged definitely needs to have control of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal.*
* Russia may have more weapons, but the chance that 50 percent of them won't work these days is pretty real.
Edit: I meant "TAYLOR SWIFT," obviously. I blame spell check.
Missiles that don’t launch is one problem, missiles that land where they are supposed to is another.
I assumed you had it correct the first time.
I can totally see him spelling that way.
Swaylor Twift?
It's fun watching reality crash down on a narcissist ... as long as you're at a safe distance.
That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.
What, don't you remember when JFK announced "I HATE THE SHANGRI-LAS AND AM NOT FOND OF THE RONNETTES EITHER"?