President Joe Biden is in Philadelphia speaking for the 2024 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Conference. And you’re going to take notes on it and write a one-page essay on what you learned!
Or maybe just watch it, whatever.
Evan has a new side project called The Moral High Ground, you should check it out and subscribe there too!
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On All in the Family, Archie had a near miss at work when a crate fell and crushed his lunch box right next to him. Of course, for a brief moment Archie becomes religious, talks about going to church to Edith's delight, and says God saved him.
Finally, Mike gets pissed and says "has it occurred to you that God was trying to kill you, and missed?"
I'm glad Old Handsome Joe gets to do his Presidential thing in relative peace, and that he doesn't have to run around all other the place campaigning. He deserves it. His job is hard enough.