No, he says listen a lot, look folks, listen.

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Ooohhh! Now I got it! He does!

Sorry, I'm seeing the same ghosts Sam Darnald saw against the Pats!

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End universal drug testing. It does nothing but destroy lives and debase our Constitution.

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The mord you know...

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That's the thinking. They don't really grasp the super wealthy thing, I mean you have tens of millions of dollars, are you going to miss a few hundred thousand? How would that cramp your style?

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There are words like that, where after you write one you look at and go "That doesn't look right, have I forgotten how to spell?"

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Democrats need to point it out, that's all. Remember Ross Perot? He succeeded with his weird charts. He really did. Republicans have talked about big-spending Democrats so much everyone believes it bc people are ignorant and only know about 'families doing the budget at the kitchen table.' An false analogy. Also people who know they aren't controlling their spending, feel comforted to think 'at least I can vote for these guys who are controlling the nation's spending.' That must have great appeal for lots of voters. But it's just a lie as a look at the results of successive GOP administrations would show. Democrats just need to make this point-- it's a bit tedious but come on! It won't take two minutes!!! Do like Ross Perot did. Give people a chance to approve of you, folks!

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He picked it up from Obama, no malarkey

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What you are missing is that NOT A JOKE is *also* one of his crutch phrases.

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No, I just purposely took it where Arya wanted me to!

Look, if Trump can say he was joking about injecting household cleaners to kill COVID, I can pretend I got that before you pointed it out!!!

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At least "folks" is an actual word, unlike "covfefe."

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I think it makes their penises shrink.

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They have big trucks for that. and guns

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Some of the insurance companies are also saying they're not paying for unvaxxed moron's hospital stays. For once I'm going to agree with insurance companies.

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Who's pulling his strings today?????

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lol fake mic it's robots controlling his voice!1!

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