Ta, Evan.

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I eagerly await a detailed and breathless report from the Times scrutinizing Mr. Trump's incessant gaffes, incoherent gibberish, and inability to complete a simple sentence.

Otherwise, we might conclude that NYT harbors a conservative bias...

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Thanks, I needed that.

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It is ONE FUCKING QUESTION over and over and over again.

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How else are they expected to hammer it into your head?

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UGH too true to laugh.

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I love how the weirdo asking for the “yes or no” answer is barely able to get his question out.

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Now to be fair, how were we to know that today Joe Biden would be four years older than he was four years ago? You're asking a lot there. But seriously, I'd prefer to stick with Biden. Yes, he gets confused at times, but on his worst day he's a thousand times better than the punk running against him.

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How does she not just slap one of those fucking smug faces?

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I read Pelosi, who is 80 fucking 4 and has been in the HOR for decades, and Clyburn and Doggett who are much the same, felt obliged to pile on with the Biden too old meme today. WTAF?

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I have seen her comment and she was pure proBiden. Clyburn was strongly proBiden. It must be some edited shit.

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Maybe. But both are quoted as saying it's an issue.

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Reporters ask if it is an issue over and over again, then the Dems say "OK it is an issue now back to what I was saying" and the fucking reporter is like, "it is an issue".




Compare the headline to what she said.

"Let's not sugarcoat that, it was a bad night, it was a great presidency," the congresswoman said.


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Black women put Biden in the White House so, If I start hearing black women wanting Biden to step down, then I’ll listen. Until then, nope.

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jesus god. are all white house reporters idiots?

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I watched that presser today. As the same question was being repeatedly asked, ad nauseam, it became clear that the strategy for conducting these things is all wrong. When you decide to let them bang on the "he so old" riff, you're not addressing any question, you're just feeding them. Address the issue one time and move on. If the press corps can't do that, just sign off and exit.

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Perennial truths: the press will cover stupid horse-race stuff because they're shallow, and the Democrats will retain their god-given ability to muck up a cup of coffee when it comes to messaging. There's the occasional exception, of course, but it isn't sufficient.

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the press covers stupid horse-race stuff because their audience is stupid, and laps it up with a spork

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"Does Biden have Alzheimer's, any form of dementia …. It's a yes or no question."

Karine Jean-Pierre: "I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it?… It's a no. And I hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question.""


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I would like to make clapping sounds on his head. Like a bongo. Just pitty-pat sounds. Nothing painful.

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Who asked the question? Was it verified idiot Peter Doocy son of verified idiot Steve Doocy?

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This is an insult to idiots.

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You are correct. I apologize.

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I can’t endorse this but I promise you if it happens I will not be anywhere in the area where I could reach that to stop it from happening if it did

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"DAMNING: Ivanka revealed under oath that Donald took money from his own kids. Why?

So he could falsely inflate his net worth to get a bank loan.

The admission was buried in her testimony, so the media largely missed it.

Worse for Donald is how Ivanka and Jared paid for their Indian Creek house (that bombshell is in my latest substack post).

As one legal expert said her “jaw dropped” when she found out the family is “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

- Key point: Prosecutors need to look into both Donald's AND Ivanka’s finances. The numbers don’t add up."


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Before it's too late!

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I swear to all that is holy -- Doocy needs to be sent to research the answer to this question and this question only

Are Trump's Porn Peener Payoffs An Official Presidential Act?


and when he has a succinct and coherent answer and can present it to the public, then and only then should he be permitted back in that White House chair his LYING NETWORK stole in order to ask more questions

Because this is flat out ridiculous

I cannot quantify how sick I am of this crap

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OHJB needs competent, aggressive Spokesmodel. His current one spent 3/4 of an hour apologizing never mentioning the absolute shit show TFG is.

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In wake of Supreme Court ruling, Biden administration tells doctors to provide emergency abortions

No pregnant woman or her family should have to even begin to worry that she could be denied the treatment she needs to stabilize her emergency medical condition in the emergency room,” the letter said.


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How much can Donnie get for pardons? I’m thinking the few rich guys behind bars will pony up.

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Now that one is not allowed to inquire what Trump said while president, and that bribes are allowed for official business, he can make a fortune in retroactive pardons.

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They're emptying their prisons. They're not sending us their best.

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There is enough room on that screen for a little chart that could list the times that the same question has been asked. I bet the question of the day, today, would be the all-time record-setter.

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