You know, the Easter Egg Roll! The thing where they, we dunno, roll eggs around at the White House, because that’s fun, correct?
How does one win the Easter Egg Roll? NOBODY KNOWS.
Please write a paragraph explaining how the Easter Egg Roll thingie works, for inclusion in the Library of Congress probably.
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
If you're shopping on Amazon anyway, this portal gives us a small commission.
This event was more fun when Melanoma was still there... All the eggs jet black, hidden behind backlit geometric shapes...
... the Easter Bunny a tall, slender, gaunt figure, silently watching and waiting to reward the winner by devouring their soul.
[meanwhile] Huge protests in Israel calling for an early election and a cease-fire.
That's all I can listen to, but it's encouraging.