I would like to point out that the enemy of my enemy if not our friend.
Wray has a history of corruption.
He absolutely buried and killed the many complaints against Judge Boof.
When the girls on the Olympic Gym team reported sexual abuse to the FBI in Indianapolis, one guy tried to get a job with the girls Olympic Team, presumably to get that free girl pussy. What a repellent response to learning about chronic child rape in an organization. . The other just buried it. Why? I think so his friend's aspirations were not bothered. Neither had any harm to their careers. Wray covered it up. When it came out, he covered their backs.
Just saw Josh Hawley's harangue over FBI agents terrorizing poor innocent Catholic priests and choir directors. My dog, what a jackass.
I would like to point out that the enemy of my enemy if not our friend.
Wray has a history of corruption.
He absolutely buried and killed the many complaints against Judge Boof.
When the girls on the Olympic Gym team reported sexual abuse to the FBI in Indianapolis, one guy tried to get a job with the girls Olympic Team, presumably to get that free girl pussy. What a repellent response to learning about chronic child rape in an organization. . The other just buried it. Why? I think so his friend's aspirations were not bothered. Neither had any harm to their careers. Wray covered it up. When it came out, he covered their backs.
That would have to be a mighty big bushel.
Law and order loving Republicans show the FBI as much respect as they show the constitution.
Cotton conflates some random act against someone's home with 1/6 and Mueller.
And Hawley is worried about the damned Catholics.
oh lord! there goes Tehran Tom. I don't think I can watch this without throwing things.
Arugula. The most terrifying word in the liberal lexicon.
"Ni" has nothing on "Arugula"
The knights that go "Arugula"?
Now it's Hawley with a booger on his lower lip and not Dread Schmooze.
Our 21st century Herbert Hoover is determined to start another holy war no matter whose religion he has to manipulate to do it.
The conspiracy is all in his head, but it's a really bad conspiracy that's got him a bit uppity.
Jesus! Hawley is a bigger ass than Cruz. Lies and innuendo. Using the Gym Jordan technique of yelling and belligerence.
I should have known that Senator HaulAss was going to resurrect the "FBI hates Catholics!" crap.
Please. it's ASS Hauley. :D
I just LOVE Senator Hirono. That was superb.
There is NO fucking "cover up" you contemptible piece of shit!
It's so nice of Ted Cruz to stay on topic.
Schmooze is engaging in some defamatory speculation here. It's bullshit and it's damned dangerous.
I have had too damned many tabs open and I'm crossing my own damned wires. Oops...