Ahh, yes. Pictures of used food. That's what sent me packing from fb.

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Spam sandwich? Do you have a link?!!!?

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Rupert Murdoch WISHES he'd invented facebook.

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Cromwell ended any pretensions any British monarchs (such as Charles I) might have had to be absolute monarchs, autocrats like Louis XVI. Charles II and James II, while certainly wanting absolute power, never felt quite secure enough to try it, not wanting to wind up beheaded or to "go upon their travels again".

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Didn't George Clooney popularize the "Caesar" haircut in the late 90's? It was everywhere, and maybe Zuck is just thinking back to his younger days.

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“Watching conservative heads explode since our first FEC filing”

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Like Protestant fundies today, he was trying to fulfill messianic prophecies. A rabbi from Holland, Mennashe Ben Yisrael, pointed out a passage in the Bible that said redemption would come when Jews were in the “corners of the earth”. One way of translating that into French is “angleterre”-if you squint, anyway. So Cromwell let Jews live in England. Fortunately, he didn’t formally rescind Edward the Shithead’s expulsion order, so Charles II felt no compulsion to kick Jews out again-and in fact, he himself formally rescinded expulsion.

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Wonkette: come for the dick jokes; stay for the Western Civ.

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In that case, we're in a civil war and the current system has completely broken down. Law enforcement is authorized to use violence to enforce the law and protect people and property. Both are different from violence in the political discourse, ie, voting, debate, exercise of constitutional rights, etc.

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So "benevolent dictator"? Or perhaps "philosopher king"?

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Or it was the side effect of deleting evidence

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How can FaceBook be evil? They keep sending me friend recommendations! From totally real and not at all made up people that I would most definitely want to interact with frequently! FB wants me to have friends!

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His facebork would have a page 3

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"Conservative viewpoints are being suppressed!"

- Excerpt from an article re-publishing conservative viewpoints without comment or rebuttal, appearing in every major newspaper and website.

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No. It was King Charles who got his head chopped off. Cromwell came to power in the resulting vacuum.

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It was a three-way case of incompetence. 1) They've made network changes to make it more secure, but the new config relies on DNS and VPN tunnels rather than TCP/IP routing.2) Someone hosed DNS and no one caught it until the change was replicating throughout the system.3) They've locked down their network rooms, limiting access to only those persons and times when access is absolutely necessary.

This was almost certainly done at the insistence of security consultants, over the objections of their physical security staff. Once the change had replicated no one could access any of the network links, and the only way to dump the corrupt tables and replace them was with physical access to the servers. Since no one had access to the network rooms when the change was made, and now the network was non-functional, the security system was not able to grant anyone access to get to the servers to fix it. I'm quite sure they had locksmiths called in to drill out the locks.

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