Collectively, the press corps manages to give off an air of petulance and blockheadedness that is truly impressive. KJP seems to have learned how to manage their mostly repetitive, shallow questions with considerable grace.
I've never seen so many stupid questions in my life. Didn't the press gaggle used to have to say there names and what news agency they represent before asking their questions or at least be called by name by the White House Press Secretary? I think the public should be made aware of whoever the particular moron is who is asking their stupid, repetitive question.
Bibi espouses Islamophobia and his GOP allies spread lies about Harris and the southern border. In other words, just another day of racist scaremongering for the right wing.
"I have the yoogest rocket launchers, the best. The ghost of Freud came up to me, with tears in his eyes, and he said 'sir, I want to tell you something, sir... Penis."
Ta, Evan.
Collectively, the press corps manages to give off an air of petulance and blockheadedness that is truly impressive. KJP seems to have learned how to manage their mostly repetitive, shallow questions with considerable grace.
Oh, the Press Corpse is totally dissed by OHJB bypassing them and speaking directly to the people.
"Does the President understand that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for him to change his mind?"
These questions are incredibly unimpressive. Are these 'reporters' actually AI bots?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Middle school J-students could do a better job than these stenographer/infotainers.
I've never seen so many stupid questions in my life. Didn't the press gaggle used to have to say there names and what news agency they represent before asking their questions or at least be called by name by the White House Press Secretary? I think the public should be made aware of whoever the particular moron is who is asking their stupid, repetitive question.
Every white house correspondent should be thrown into a volcano.
And give the volcano indigestion? How cruel!
So when does this start? Or are we stuck with weirdo Congresscreep for a while?
It already started.
they really ought to state that only intelligent questions will be entertained.
That will cut things down to ten minutes.
i think you might be overestimating the intelligence of the press corp there
well, that WOULD be unfortunate
First question perfectly stupid.
Nothing about cats?
"We will steal all the land we want!"
A Trump ad from his felonious friend.
Does be know the GOP is just waiting for Jesus to to return and kill all the Jews?
Bibi called protesters "Iran's useful idiots" ... as he's addressing a room full of Putin's useful idiots.
Wait, isn’t Putin an ally of Iran? How that happen?
You know the old "enemy of my enemy" saying?
Drudgery, drudgery, drudgery... folding laundry... drudgery, drudgery.
After you're done with that, you're going to want to chop wood and draw water. Then, grasshopper, you will be enlightened.
And not chop water and draw wood???
It's weird - when I was working laundry NEVER sat unfolded in the basket. Now that I'm retired, it sometimes sits for days.
you have discovered what is truly important
At least you didn't have to beat it on the rocks first. You didn't did you?
Bibi espouses Islamophobia and his GOP allies spread lies about Harris and the southern border. In other words, just another day of racist scaremongering for the right wing.
Fuck that guy. He was just on the teevee at work - I gave him the finger from behind my monitor.
Bibi sure is a long-winded piece of shit.
"I have the yoogest rocket launchers, the best. The ghost of Freud came up to me, with tears in his eyes, and he said 'sir, I want to tell you something, sir... Penis."
Sounds like someone else we all know and hate.
It's the only way he can keep his job, wear everyone else down...