I see I'm not the only one that found the parallels striking. I was surprised not to see mention of Triangle in the media coverage of Bangladesh, although I didn't really see much of it.
You laugh, but it sounds adorable to me. I'm picturing Portmerion, but with more visible gun turrets.
Everyone in town will leverage their home for cash; the bank will invest in shady 2nd mortgages and go bust. And then Walmart, Costco, and Ikea will move in to a huge empty tract just outside the walls, drain all the business from main street, and bankrupt the mom 'n pop shops selling Galt T shirts and coffee mugs. Also: Galt BBQ aprons. Will this town have any, youknow, jobs or industries? Because those will outsource to China.
That's when the Elders of Galtville will vote to pull up stakes, load up the SUVs, and head for the Donner Pass, aiming to cross into California before winter sets in.
Catholic and Christian based real estate, financial and complete homeowner services ... and a Cathofundie law school. "Community-controlled" cable programming (and a ban on rooftop antennas) would not surprise me. It's like North Korea, with the added misery of religion.
According to "Friend of Liberty" there are several FEMA camps in Idaho. Obviously this "Citadel" thing is an Obama trick to get TP'ers to self-deport so as to concentrate themselves in one place. Then shut the one door and -- oopsies -- they're all gone but forgotten.
Hopefully I just <strike>tri</strike> set you off, rather than making the point I was snarking on too ambiguous ;)
Well, they gotta keep a year&#039;s supply of food, so....
Oh, you read that as Burning Dick Cheney, too?
I see I&#039;m not the only one that found the parallels striking. I was surprised not to see mention of Triangle in the media coverage of Bangladesh, although I didn&#039;t really see much of it.
You laugh, but it sounds adorable to me. I&#039;m picturing Portmerion, but with more visible gun turrets.
Everyone in town will leverage their home for cash; the bank will invest in shady 2nd mortgages and go bust. And then Walmart, Costco, and Ikea will move in to a huge empty tract just outside the walls, drain all the business from main street, and bankrupt the mom &#039;n pop shops selling Galt T shirts and coffee mugs. Also: Galt BBQ aprons. Will this town have any, youknow, jobs or industries? Because those will outsource to China.
That&#039;s when the Elders of Galtville will vote to pull up stakes, load up the SUVs, and head for the Donner Pass, aiming to cross into California before winter sets in.
Minidonka libel.
&quot;We further affirm our intent to abide all Constitutional laws of the United States...&quot;
Can&#039;t miss the only adjective in the sentence, and the handy-dandy back door it provides.
And the wimmenz don&#039;t vote.
Catholic and Christian based real estate, financial and complete homeowner services ... and a Cathofundie law school. &quot;Community-controlled&quot; cable programming (and a ban on rooftop antennas) would not surprise me. It&#039;s like North Korea, with the added misery of religion.
They never come up to the hills!
According to &quot;Friend of Liberty&quot; there are several FEMA camps in Idaho. Obviously this &quot;Citadel&quot; thing is an Obama trick to get TP&#039;ers to self-deport so as to concentrate themselves in one place. Then shut the one door and -- oopsies -- they&#039;re all gone but forgotten.
Liberals are banned, but nothing about socialists. Fuckin&#039; A, me &amp; Bernie are <em>in</em>!
I wouldn&#039;t feel safe in assuming they lack SAMs.
i think the key question here is: have the stockpiled the twinkies?
I can&#039;t think of <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Ruby_Ridge" target="_blank">anything</a>.
They&#039;ll just be living off the land -- potato vodka.