i'm really glad all this drama is taking place in a place with funny accents.

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That picture of Gaddafi makes me think he fell asleep somewhere in Jimmy Buffet Land on redecorating day.

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The prank is a lot like the O'Keefe pimp video at ACORN or the Planned Parenthood stings. I don't know if this is turning the tables or turning to the dark side. Though I'm sure Ron Christie can explain why Breitbart's antics are justified while the "Koch" call is nefarious.

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Did MSNBC stick with the conference long enough to find out definitively if Mika Brzezinski is a real piece of ass or not?

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Your (deleted?) comment:<blockquote>>So, you think trolling me with down-thumbers is something I'd cotton to? Fuck you, you petty concern troll. You're next. </blockquote> You're right, I shouldn't have down-thumb'ed some of your other comments. I will go find some to up-thumb.

I think my observation (that lying to elicit embarrassing statements is wrong) is legit. and meets wonkette's ISO9000 snark standards. Others have pointed out how the ACORN vs Walker situations are different. To which I'd add, Walker is a public figure who has actual power, not a third level staffer in a store-front office. His remarks affect more than the person sitting across the desk; and he should know better. Guess I should down-thumb myself.

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