Ken has apparently died [IT IS CALLED "LUNCH AFTER WRITING FOR SEVEN HOURS," JACK -- Ed.], so here is a part two, at last, to this boring, meaningless ceremonial affair. Right now John Kerry and Scott Brown are the first "witnesses," here to introduce Kagan and pretend they know she will be a good judge and not try to rape everybody who comes in front of the Supreme Court.
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Liveblogging the Elena Kagan Confirmation…
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Ken has apparently died [IT IS CALLED "LUNCH AFTER WRITING FOR SEVEN HOURS," JACK -- Ed.], so here is a part two, at last, to this boring, meaningless ceremonial affair. Right now John Kerry and Scott Brown are the first "witnesses," here to introduce Kagan and pretend they know she will be a good judge and not try to rape everybody who comes in front of the Supreme Court.