Some of the headlines this morning are saying the Mittens came away "unscathed"? Is this the new American Exceptionalism; where the "winner" is declared to be the one NOT covered in shit?

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I don't know if I have enough self loathing in me to subject myself to this. I suppose if I take a swig of beer for every Reagan uttered I'll pass out in 5 minutes. Game on!

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No hookworms, sadly.

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Where's fake Obama? He killed, last time out.

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There'll be santorum all over the place, and it might be infectious.

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Newt "Q-Tip" Gingrich can give him a run for his money.

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Gawd - how old <i>is</i> this crowd?

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"Newt is still running, a sinking rat abandoned by his ship."

Best quote of the whole campaign season, so far.

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It's the one on the right, natch.

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Worse ... nobody will ask "How many guns do you own?"

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Under Mormonism, even God changes his mind when put under political pressure, so Mitt certainly isn't going to sweat it.

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That was a states' rights issue, doncha know? Easy to duck that one, even if you're not a slippery shapeshifter.

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Wait....this is on CNN?

So does this mean all the questions won't be just right-wing talking points with question marks scribbled onto the ends of them?

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5. santorum brings up abortion in unrelated context 6. newt gaffes

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that would be the spit take part of the drinking game.

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oh thank god. i thought i might have to get 'debate' coverage via a traditional news outlet.

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