Best of all she doesn't get paid and neither does her asswipe boss/husband.

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"I would say any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military," Santorum said.

Good luck with that one.

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That's what I heard. Then she said "except for what jackbooted government goons tear from your miserable aching hands so the Koch Brothers can still create slave jobs in the caviar industry somewhere". At least that's what I heard her say.

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I wondered that myself. Newt is the "smartest man in the Repubican Party" so I recklessly assume he knows arithmetic.

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Since Newty is "fundamentally opposed to paying people to do nothing", he is also:

fundamentally opposed to Social Security fundamentally opposed to TP Repubicans in Congress getting paid fundamentally opposed to paying firefighters except when at an actual fire fundamentally opposed to kids having a NSA allowance

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If you love that, you'll love Michele Bachmann's 0-0-0 plan.

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More so than "torture is okie dokie" Cheney?

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Jesus was thin, single and neat.

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That's funny - I'd thought you were more of a "69" plan fan...

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Are all their calendars broken? A yellow tie after Labor Day?


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Im certainly sorry to read that you're in Cleveland.

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I worked* in four different states. Does my current home state** pick up the tab for my retirement? If so, I'm moving to Texas to bankrupt them under the Perzy Scheme. ______________________ * well ... got a paycheck

** actually I currently live in Connecticut but work via computer for a company in Vermont on behalf of a company it owns in Texas but I'm paid by a Japanese-owned company headquartered in Massachusetts. Your move Ricky.

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That would be a good title or the debate itself: "Fox & Friends".

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My deadbeat brother-in-law (who gets paid by the VA to do nothing due to Vietnam war disability) is a nitwit and he's insulted by your remarks.

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I've been to Chili's and just doubt the 20-somethings that run the place can provide for my retirement.

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Parents should remember they are raising the adult, not the child. Over in China or India or somewhere else in the world, there's a kid who's after another one of our knowledge-worker jobs.

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