Sarah Palin was accused of shenanigans with her Alaska hunting license so they'll be BFF soon. They have a lot more in common but Palin wins the bad seed children category hands down.

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Churchill would've punished those brown people (whom he hated) for using chemical weapons by using chemical weapons on them, like he did the <a href="http:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/shortcuts\/2013\/sep\/01\/winston-churchill-shocking-use-chemical-weapons" target="_blank">Rooskies in 1919</a>.

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I don't know why, but that made me howl.

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Here in Canada that sort of thing has led to a HUGE scandal- a couple of Conservative senators were appointed to represent their home provinces, where they are supposed to have their principal residence- one guy's "principal residence" is a cottage in PEI on a road which is not even maintained in the winter. In an effort to cover his tracks, this piece of human excrement, Mike Duffy, asked the gov't of PEI to fast-track him a PEI health card. They refused.

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Much better.

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With a Chinese restaurant menu in her hand?

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Only sleeps 2-3 hours out of every 24? That might account for a certain incoherence.

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<i>A Long Day's Journey Into Derp</i>?

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Yes. I think she was looking for a place call Le Ho Fook's to get a dish of beef chow mein. Or human babies. Whatever it is Cheneys eat.

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If I were to talk to ten of my friends about supporting Liz Cheney, it would sure solve the problem of me having ten friends...

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Liz Cheney is Churchill? That must explain why I saw Liz Cheney walking with the queen, doing the Werewolves of London.

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Is it fair to constantly compare someone to their despised relative if the only reason they have gotten as far as they have is because of that same relative? You are damn right, it is.

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Is that why she was walking around Soho in the rain?

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That’s kind of a sexist remark. We should judge on what’s inside which is rotten to the core.

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No truth can be left untwisted when you're fighting History's Greatest Monster...

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This "red meat" tossed at the crowd. Was it some of daddy's infant leftovers?

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