In other news of avowed Trump toadies reverting to form, Lindsey Graham, who has actually been criticizing Trump for once over the Syria pull-out, has decided that now that Trump is making war sounds on Twitter about putting sanctions on Turkey (which Graham and Cheney both support), everything is obviously OK, because Trump is so well known for writing checks his ass can cash and not caving at the last minute when a dictator tells him he's pretty.

We are going to send a signal to Turkey that is unmistakable in the eyes of Erdogan and the world and we're going to break his economy until he stops the bloodshed.

This will surely satisfy all the Kurds who die waiting for us to pass sanctions or waiting for them to gain a result from Erdogan. Or will this be like Crimea where we put economic sanctions on but otherwise just recognize the land grab?

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All of it is horrible. Trump doesn't listen to anyone but even he could have seen this coming. Sanctions have done exactly zero for America because it's actually hurting Americans. Why the hell would any country get behind America at this point?

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Daughter of a war criminal says what?

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She may not have intended to send the message that Trump cannot function in his role as president so long as Congress is investigating him, and therefore he is not up to the task of being president. Great message to send to any fence-sitting voters going into 2020.

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She looks like her father in drag.

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She has his neck and grey coloring.

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Lizardbreath is daddy in drag, minus the brains which he forgot to donate. Because no matter how much one hates Darth, one cannot accuse him of being stupid. But he did manage to donate the sneer, which is proven to be genetic.

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Huh. I was sure that it would have been Obama's fault.

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I'd just like to hear why turkey sez the Kurds are terrorists, but they are also the US' allies....

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I love beets.

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That is awful.

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Oontz oontz oontz

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He will last until the fuel pellets in the tiny nuclear reactor that animates him pump out their last beta particle. Could be thousands of years.

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No. Don't miss GWB. Or Ronnie. Or Bush the Elder. Or Nixon. They were all part of the process that led to Trump.

At some point in the Dubya years, I had a minor, only mildly-heated disagreement with my brother the History major.

I advanced the theory that the then-current POTUS was the worst chief of state in the history of the Republic.

The bro gently reprimanded me with something to the effect of: "You're nuts, you old fool. James Buchanan shipped arms and ammunition to the South after they fired on Fort Sumter and attempted to secede. Buchanan was clearly the worst ever."

We are now both of the opinion that the heat is off Buchanan.

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Well, he won't have an army for long, with Putin calling the shots.

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Follow-up question: Poached, sunny-side up, or over easy?

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