He's already climbed up on his pillow (permanently placed on my desk) and gone to sleep, now that the storm has passed...

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See: Jeb Bush

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That, certainly.

However, it is not just a moral issue. It is spending your powder where it will do the most good and no harm.

Going after her fruitlessly or giving her a platform to spew lies is not just of no value but would be a welcome distraction for the Right, but if they really do have leverage and can use her against Meadows then that is a gambit worth taking.

The Committee's instincts have ben impeccable so far so let's see if they actually bother with her and why.

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You have good brain meats about this.

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Lawyers make decisions like this all the time. It's not brain meat surgery. :)

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Nevertheless I appreciate your clarity on this matter, when clarity seems in short supply.

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a Cheney who's making sense, and doesn't make you recoil in disgust.

what a time to be alive.

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Anyone else notice that Liz seems to have a lot of blue and white in her wardrobe rotation these days? Maybe she always has, and I just hadn't noticed 🤷‍♀️

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well when your sister is pissed at you publicly, there is no room for wishy washy. It is more a personal than political thing.

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In addition to scaring the fecal matter out of Repelican “leaders,’ she’s expertly kicking asseS and taking plenty of names. Even if she loses her seat, she’ll still have McCarthy wetting himself daily because she’ll be a constant presence on cable news somewhere. Daughter of Satan: I salute you.

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At one time, my closest shopping centre was next door to an Islamic school. The shops had lots of people in "Muslim" clothing, up to and including burqas. The first time I went in I was wearing a knee length skirt and sleeveless top; I felt naked, self conscious and very nervous.

But I watched them wrangling their children and comparing toothpaste and being considerate about not blocking the aisles, and I got over it.

Diversity is so good.

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Eh. Australia has loon Tony Abbott, who's still anti ME despite his sister being lesbian.

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Lovely! Thx for posting.

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