Maybe he wasn't eating at that very tweet when on the toilet. <panic>

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"I am very sad to say that America can no longer count on a body of elected Republicans to protect our republic.”

Um. Small point Liz.....

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Somebody's got a Trump-loving uncle who'll read something that isn't on the approved reading list?

Wait. That wasn't right. Let me try again.

Somebody's got a Trump-loving uncle who reads?

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Cheney reveals that other Republicans were also “angry and disgusted” at McCarthy’s visit to Trump.

But they all still bent the knee and kissed the orange anus when it was their turn.

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Here's how we know MAGA has nothing to do with policy.

Liz Cheney voted with Trump almost all the time. Her voters didn't turn her out for policy disagreements.

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Asajj Ventris was still a sith, even though she helped Ahsoka clear her name.

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The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy; no more, no less.

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If I were Kev visiting the orange menace on a hunger fast I’d bring him a stollen.

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Just repeat after me, Liz is not your friend, she is a horrible person who hates Mango. If she could rid her party of MAGAtrash, she would go back to being just like her dad.

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it makes her a useful idiot on our side tho

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Her usefulness is at an end, though.

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The "girlfriend" meeting is the best of the preview sections. This encapsulates everything wrong with these people. They cheapen everything down to lowest possible level, women, the Congress, their duties to said body. They entire value as human beings belongs on the discount aisle of 99 Cents Only store.

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… when there’s a bogo sale.

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Also worth remembering that Mark Meadows--a grown-ass man in the highest echelons of power-- knew Trump was making him do illegal things, but went along because--get this--he was afraid of getting yelled at! (Apparently yelling back wasn't an option.)

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'the stages of grief'. is fabulous

the sixth stage - tweeting' goes beyond - it goes all the way to divine

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Republican men are too fragile and emotional to be in charge of anything

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it’s just starting to get good … they got nothin’ & they’re proud of it … this will be driven to a fever pitch the closer we get to a trial or an election … if & when it becomes violent (can they contain or want to contain their ‘’lone wolves’’) a whole new ugly chapter will open … currently law enforcement’s hands-off approach presages little protection … looking at you merrick …

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Finding out Kevin performed a wellness check on PAB was not on my bingo card, that's for sure.

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It was probably the equivalent of going around the table at a cabinet meeting and have everyone say what they like about the President.

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Oh, man... I had completely forgotten about those meetings. He's such a pathetic shell of a human being.

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send a loser to console a loser, what a concept! Who says the Republicans have no ideas?

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Grandpa Donny is throwing half the KFC bucket away. He’s so sad!

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Cue Rethuglican book-burning parties in 7..6..5..4..3..2..1...

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Propelling Liz to the top of the NYT list.

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I'm sorry but I am NOT buying that book, and to hell with that woman. She and her family have done nothing but fuck up this country, and other countries besides, during their entire terms of "public service."

So she's on the right side of this issue? For once? Big deal. It happened only after they were coming for her little white ass. All that means is she's at least smart enough to recognize an explicit threat when it's coming directly at her. IOW, she has the brains of a squirrel, unlike Trump supporters, who have the brains of slugs.

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i hear you but i kinda feel like we need everyone now. no matter what. and yup. she's going to be against every fucking thing i believe in going forward. except that one thing that will make all the other things not matter.

also, honestly i feel like that child's little white ass was never in danger. she's a fucking force of nature and i'd take her odds against literally any dude with an R by their name. especially the white dudes.

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