He's been made fun of his whole life.

It clearly never occurred to him that maybe if he was less of a sh*t person, that might stop.

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I just read a thing about how women receive more life sentences in prison for killing their rapists in self-defense.

So fun.

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Why the fuck would I give a shit about a twit like Loesch, who has been reduced to hawking beet juice on late night TV along with catheters, reverse home mortgages and adult diapers?Fuck her.

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I think it's valid to call out the standards that women (and people of color) must adhere to that no one applies to white men. Nobody would tweet about Biden performing domesticity. Yet in one brief message, Warren's gender and the ways that she does not comply with the roles that women must fit into are emphasized. While it would be overkill to do this every time a right-wing pundit wrote something like this (because it's very frequent), I think it's good to denormalize it and give us a chance to address any of our own preconceived notions about gender roles. So thanks SER!

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Special place in hell for Dana Loesch

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Four years ago, when her other kid said: "Donald Trump seems the kind of grandpa that grabs women by the pussy", it didn't seem to bother Dana Loesch.

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Presumably the whole "that woman doesn't look like she supports people who advocate against gun control so I won't get shot at school" discussion was also not mentioned.

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My grandma never made cookies, but she made an awesome Sunday roast dinner. She and my Grandad also served in WW2, so screw biscuits, I'd rather have her tell her war stories.

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I wonder if Loesch masturbates with a .45 calibur handgun.

But why do we care?

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why, you'd almost think that maybe "her youngest" actually didn't say that at all, and that Dana Loesch is....a liar?

here's how gen z speaks in real life


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She needs to drink some of that Super Beets junk she advertises. Maybe it'd improve her outlook.

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And the sooner the better. With votes.

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I'm fresh out of grandmas, so I'd like to invite Senator Warren to adopt my dad and become my grandma. We'll bake cookies and smash the patriarchy like one big happy family.

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Loesche again holding Democrats to standards she'd never hold Republicans to, as it's clear that only a psychotic would let Donald Trump watch their kids.

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As angry as this makes me feel, I also feel gratified that the number of people who agree with the sentiment "women should be beautiful, sexy, thin, rich, perfect mothers and grandmothers, bake cookies and cakes and keep the entire house spotless, be gracious hostesses and Presidents of all of their children's PTAs, always be open to pleasuring their husbands with no complaints, AND work a 50-hour workweek at a Fortune 500 company wearing shoulder pads, pencil skirts and impossibly high heels and never break a sweat doing it" are dwindling. Because, yeah, fuck all that.

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Just wanted to remind everyone that Dana Loesch is currently selling beet powder on late-night infomercials.

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