I have found that a calm explanation of why I think as I do about something, without name calling or assumptions of superior intellect, actually help to enlighten a conversation. I do agree, however, that there are times when it just makes more sense to recognize a self-immolating pile of s**t for what it is and move away before the stench gets on your clothes or you get burned.

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Nah. :) Violence solves exactly zilch. But it's a powerful component of a rich fantasy life. Which is necessary for survival in an insane world. I.e., the one in which we currently find ourselves.

As for the husband: An enforced holiday from the nutbaggery of online politics is essential. It's remarkable how it sucks one in. The passion, the drama, the adrenafuckinglin. Take him on a short trip with no Internet. He'll live & thank you for it. Eventually.

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I sure would like to beat fucking Congress! With votes, of course.

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See, e.g., Internet trolls. Being on Twitter pretty much guarantees daily trolling by RWNJs who are walking #FAIL in the logic regions. It's fun tormenting them, for a while, but the thrill soon passes. In fact, I should be kicking some troll behind right now. Adieu. :)

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Hey thanks. Do you take Anthem? ;)

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If, "Iran nuked Israel, the United States would turn it into glass about five minutes before last Tuesday."

Then is the reverse also true: "if ISRAEL nuked IRAN, the United States would turn ISRAEL into glass about five minutes before last Tuesday."? Or does our sucking up to Israel absolve us of any responsibility? And if we didn't....

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The reality is that a "surgical" strike would, if Israel was really really' lucky, do almost nothing to Iran except really piss it off. And instead of yelling "Death to Israel, Iran might actually get serious about trying. The "Death to Israel" rhetoric doesn't really bother me - it seems to be some sort of middle-east culture thing to periodically scream "Death to someone".

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So Obama's approval rating jumped 5 points in response to the Netanyahoo speech. Thanks, Bibi!


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Plus, OMIGOD IT'S NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN ALL OVER AGAIN is pretty much the standard comment any time a president declines to get us into a pointless, violent war with no possible positive outcome.

Fortunately, there is a standard response, and it goes like this:


Good luck!

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Violence solves exactly zilch, which is why God invented carbon monoxide, easily piped under a bedroom door with a hose.

♫ Words to live by ♫

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I've always view Bibi as being like that little snot in grade school who would pick on the other kids with impunity because his big, big brother would back him no matter how big an asshole he was. I really resent that the US is his big brother.

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It was 6AM in Maui when I commenced shouting invective at my tv machine, to the alarm of my grandkids. They all came rushing into my room to see who was attacking me. I was spitting nails all day. Y'know what? Bibi gets to whine about Iran's nuclear program ONLY when he opens up Dimona to inspection. Yeah, I'm still spitting nails.

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Speaking of bombs, I can't believe nobody noticed in the 1954+ Godzilla 'murricanized version, that the reporter played by Raymond Burr before Perry Mason or Ironside, was named Steve Martin. The clip closes with "Steve Martin signing off from Tokyo, Japan."

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To the Fright Right all over the world and forever.

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I sincerely hope Bibi wins....himself a heartattack once he loses the elections back in his actual damn country. Also he looks like a rat, all he needs is some whiskers and bucked teeth and the resemblance would be uncanny.

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