I just spent the week at Lake Powell with my very large Mormon family (we are descended from polygamists on both sides, so scores of cousins), and 90% of them are voting for Trump. :( Why? "Because Hillary is a crook and Trump will fill his cabinet with good people."

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Like many I don't know that he was a morally upright businessman, but he did seem to do a fairly decent job as governor of Mass.

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My Mormon ancestors came from Denmark and England.

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Every male above the age of 18 is an "Elder" in the Mormon church; it's the General Authorities that are the movers and shakers capable of organizing Prop 8-type shenanigans.

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Not really a surprise. She's also beating him in Kansas, of all places.

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George Romney was born in Mexico, of American parents of course. His son Mitt, however, was born in Michigan.

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Yeah, my in-laws are defo Trump people, especially my sexist, homophobic assgasket father in law. No changing them, and probably no changing my husband's baby sister, either, since she's already on her third kid (fourth if you count the stillborn one), and she's not even 30 yet.

We do have a pair of LDS friends who are queer-friendly, childless(!) nerds, though. They're fiscal conservatives, which we've tried gingerly to talk them out of over the years, but they're at least not awful.

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Oh, yeah. The fact that Pope Rat is still around means there's still a contingent of his loyalists there who see Ol' Frankie as a traitor.

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They will all vote for Trumpie on election day. He could be on TV the night before the election eating a fetus and drinking baby's blood and they would still all vote for Trumpie.

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... both candidates have 35 percent support, with Libertarian Gary Johnson coming in with an uncharacteristically large number, 13 percent ...That's bad. If the vote splits like that nationally and no one gets 50%, it could go to the House and Voila!, President Bishop Romney. Maybe they're not as dumb as they look and talk and act.

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Baby steps!

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There is a plus side to temperance and education. Too bad Americans prefer prohibition and ignorance.

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Fun fact. The Mormon bank (Bank of Las vegas) funded the early casinos in Vegas.

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That's a weird ass looking Ute. I have noticed since car manufacturing went splat here we have been getting more trucks and SUV's. For a fine bit of Aussie culture may I suggest googling B&S (Bachelor and Spinster) balls. Sleeping and rooting in the back of a ute and trying to avoid any puking - happy times.

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Yeah, and they'd probably get away with it ... =_=

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Yeah, I don't really get it either. I assumed his revolution was against the Republican congress, since they're the ones who've been doing EVERYTHING BUT THEIR JOBS, but apparently he is just running as a Dem because Independents never get votes. That's my new theory.

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