Don't ppi over a fire in Msissippi, then, and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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Folks might be surprised to know that Mississippi is actually fairly liberal for a Gulf state, especially compared to its evil twin Alabama. This is a Southern state which, at the height of Personhood Madness, rejected an initiative to grant personhood to a fertilized egg by a mudslide of 59 to 41 against.

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I feel ya.

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67% is still good. The 79% was, I think, a combo of post-convention bump and outrage over Trump's dumbshit comments about the fallen soldier's family.

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W was kind of personable. He seemed nice, a "guy you could have a beer with". So yeah, a lot of people liked him and trusted him. Trump, not so much.

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Yeah, I live on the coast, but even my somewhat progressive town (divorced lady mayor, city parks, farmers' market every Sat., under 50% obesity rate) voted for Romney like 2 to 1 or something, so there is a ceiling on liberal...

Although, I did see a Gary Johnson sign the other day on the aptly named "White Blvd," which gave me hope that the Trump support might not be as deep as the percentage of Trump bumper stickers on pickups with truck nutZ (close to 100) would lead one to believe. (NB: percentage of pickups with truck nutZ also close to 100, sadly...)

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I think part of that is the *NEED* to advertise. Out here, the conclusion is foregone so no one needs to advertise the desired outKKKome. (edit: I live in the Gump.)

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Out where?

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Montgomery AL.

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So you know from evil twins! I work in Mobile, so I'm not immune to Alabama politics either...

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I can't figure out why it's not 94%. How is it even possible that this dipshit could actually be anywhere close to being president of the USA?

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I wish these pricks would all get raptured.

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Now that's a presidential look if ever I saw one.

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i aint driving if there's a 33% chance i'm gonna die21% is ok, i only die a fifth of the time

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Step right up, and get yer red-hot rationales right here, folks:Is it more important to vote for Stein, or vote against Trump?This has worked on several greenies. YMMV.

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I believe the target was supposed to be Dr. Wrong Way Corrigan's voters. Sure they may smell of patchouli but they tend to be more attractive than those who bask in the orange glow of the Trumpster fire.

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