NC, GA, and FL for sure. TX, MS and LA in play. With the Walmart sister supporting Hilliary, even Ark, maay go.

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Heh. Made my day, too.

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Don't be stupid. Everyone always gripes about Vietnam, but they always forget all of this from LBJ's legacy:



Head Start

Civil Rights Act 1964

Voting Rights Act 1965

Fair Housing Act 1968

Freedom of Information Act 1967

Clean Air Act 1963

Pesticide Control Bill 1964

Water Quality Act 1965

Water Resource Planning Act 1965

Water and Sanitation Systems in Rural Areas Bill 1965

Solid Waste Disposal Bill 1965

Sale Water Conservation Act 1965

Air Quality Acts 1966 and 1967

National Water Commission

Wilderness Act 1964

Central Arizona Project Endangered Species Act 1966

National Park Foundation 1967

Wetlands Preservation Bill 1967

Highway Beautification Act 1965

National Historic Preservation Act 1966

Endangered Species Act 1966

National Trails System 1967

Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1967

Creation of the National Endowment for the Arts

Creation of the National Endowment for the Humanities

Immigration Act of 1965 that finally lifted the racist bans on brown immigrants.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act AND the Higher Education Act. It was the most massive investment in education in this country's history, that still has not been matched.


If that dump known as heaven existed, you can bet your fucking ass that LBJ is there. You look at that list and name one other president who did so much for we the people as LBJ.

I'll fucking wait.

Vietnam was bad, but the rest of that would have been a breathtaking list of accomplishments for two generations of presidents, never mind one who served only five years.

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I think I found what I want to do on election day. I'll need to brush up on my Spanish, though, to make it a lot less atrocious.

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My understanding has been that he's always been really--really--bizarro. I remember him on CNN once with a panel talking about race and he said that he would love to be a black man now to get in on all those entitlements. Spike Lee was on the panel as well and told him he was either crazy or a liar.

That had to have been around 1988 or so.

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I think he's actually insane enough to think that it would help him to campaign in LA and NYC, because a) those are the two places where he's made a name for himself and b) that's where the media hubs are. It will get him the most attention, and Trump has always been about getting as much of that as can be had.

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It's losing the college educated voters in the burbs that's probably killing him.

We do have some of those down here.

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The megachurch phenomenon was always smoke and mirrors. It was never about an expansion of religiosity, as they (typically) dishonestly claimed, but about a consolidation of failing smaller churches. That's just about complete now.

And why are those smaller churches failing? When pollsters ask the right questions, it turns out that Americans are not all that religious, really, and they don't attend church in the numbers that have been claimed.

Ask them if they went to church on Sunday, and the Halo Effect kicks in for about 40% of them to answer, "Oh yes of course!" Ask people instead what they actually did over the weekend, and only 10-20% say they went to church. These numbers are consistent, week to week. Only at Christmas and maybe Easter do the numbers get anywhere near the claimed 40% number.

Attendance numbers of 10-20% are positively European numbers, and our shopping centers and movie theaters and etc. back them up. Even in the South, there are more people mowing their yards or at the shopping centers on a Sunday morning than at the average church.

The internal numbers on the christer churches are abysmal. Young people are abandoning them in droves. They have better things to do on a Sunday than hang out with a bunch of judgmental bigots. That leaves churches graying out and dying off--and fast.

Nones are set to take over Evangelicals as the largest religious group in the country within the next 6-12 months, at current projections. The hold of the Religious Reich is fracturing, right before our eyes. The secularism movement needs to start ratcheting up the volume some more and pour on some more of the challenges and mockery. It's working.

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Um. OK. Hockey's the one with the wooden ball, I'm pretty sure?

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I've always been afraid of fish hooks. My psycho brother got one caught in my upper arm when he was being stupid and goofing off with his fishing rod. It fucking hurt to get that taken out.

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Texas men in gimme hats and hunting vests has always been my "get the hell out now" red flag.

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And yet it's the closest to turning of any of the states of the lower south, other than Georgia.

And if y'all want really scary, Mississippi is right there with Texas in starting to get light red over at 538.

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They love their tokens.

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725 5th Avenue. Apartment #LOLOLOLOLoser!

New York, NY

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He wasn't all that fond of brown people, either.

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Molly Ivins and Ann Richards are turning over in their graves to say "Fuck you."

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