Imagine the boost to the economy that loan forgiveness would create. Most all of the people with loans are middle class. Forgive their loans and they will spend a lot of the money buying things. When you give tax cuts to the rich, they squirrel it away. We all know this.

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The one missing component of student loans is uniform bankruptcy rights that are supposed to be guaranteed with all other consumer loans. Without bankruptcy rights restored? People will be begging Joe Biden, our next presidents for cancellation and what we will get is what we've already been measly promised. The promise fell extremely short of the actual promise to cancel all federally held loans. These loans? They are unconstitutional, they are a weaponized and government-profiting scam that continues to wreck the lives of borrowers. You know, the government profits massively off of student loans, especially defaulted. These 'rehabilitation', or 'loan consolidation' offers are only going to worsen your lives down the road. Services that successfully enroll you in one of these programs get a huge commission off of you as a result of selling your loan off.....then default happens if you have defaulted already again....it is a never-ending mess that needs major overhaul. The loans, prior to covid were not being paid by over 60% of all borrowers. Now imagine this scenario, when they try to turn these loans back on Sept. 1, 2023? This number will be more like 85-90% or more. We hope that it will be more, because no one should continue to feed this sinking ship, catastrophically failed lending scam.

People are fed up, tired, infuriated by how poor policy changes to student loans over decades have made education further out of reach, UN-payable and jacked up tuition. Without uniform bankruptcy rights (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4), people will never be able to receive any meaningful or full cancellation, or anything that will truly put a stop to predatory and usurious schemes. Those collection agencies are just drooling at the prospect of turning these loans back on without consumer protections. It is their golden unicorn, their saving grace, their golden egg, whatever you want to call it. Do you want to continue supporting a weaponized, lending scam that...yes is wrecking states like Texas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina? Texas has nearly hit 200 Billion dollars in student loan debt that is making borrowers lose their sleep. This far exceeds the state budget!

Over half of all borrowers are republican and independent, more borrowers are over the age of 35 not under. The false narrative that student loan borrowers are these elite, lazy, kids fresh out of high school living in parents basement...Non-sense! The media lies, the GOP is literally attacking their own constituents, people of color, elderly, minority groups and more. If this is a ship they want to cling onto and perish on? By all means, the GOP are politicizing an issue that is serious, a threat to our nation and is obviously NOT an individualistic problem. Individualism is a myth by the way, but that is for a different conversation.

If our president were to fully cancel all student debt? That debt would be zeroed out, plain and simple. The taxpayers would not be affected...at all! No money would be drawn from the treasury, none added to the national debt....you get it now? This is the cheapest and most effective way to stimulate the economy. People have paid and paid and paid on their federal debts but the interest only nullifies any effort made! If you want to continue to support a failed, lending scam by finger wagging at the borrowers? That is your sinking ship to cling onto because no one is going to save you, you work for the colleges, you work for the dirty billionaires and you have sold your soul for money and selfish conquest. DO not support this lending scam, it has to end. If you want more information on this and reference look up 'student loan justice' on google, you will thank me later.

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I also want to mention that yes our President has the full authoritative power to cancel all student debt, why he chose such a rickety bridge to carry out his current legislation is highly suspicious. He didn't actually want to carry out this promise, he actually holds credit for causing the problem in the first place! I don't support either party because they proved without a doubt last night that they are not on our side. I wish you all the best on your endeavors. Whatever you do though, protest! Make your voices heard because the more people that fight to put an end to this lending scam? The faster that this will be solved. The main proponent of your voice should be calling for the return of uniform bankruptcy rights.

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The only thing more fucked up than the student loan program is the health insurance racket. Both of them are designed to torment.

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Our English prof, who has a PhD, started in community college. Tells the kids all the time that she never took an SAT or ACT.

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I just wonder whether the cost would go down if students weren't able to get loans so easily.

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Yes all health care should be free like every other country, we should not have to worry about whether or not we can afford a hospital visit and operation...it is absurd.

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He's a liar, he is pushing false narrative, you should read my comment on the top about this very issue.

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The removal of bankruptcy from student loans is the main reason for the high tuition rates. Our members of congress are obviously profiting off of us in some dirty way or another. Without that consumer right restored, we are basically like turkeys at thanksgiving and they are popping their Champagne corks.

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as well as right-leaning former Democrat Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona). Joe M#&$N has assured me that there's no such thing as a "former Democrat," because it is biologically impossible to change parties, and you should stop grooming children with transparty ideology. He assured me that Krysten S#*$A is still biologically a member of the Democrat party.

I tried asking him why he called his own party the "Democrat Party" instead of the "Democratic Party" and he didn't answer.

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As a community college administrator I beg to differ with the generalization that college tuition is high.

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Also: "How dare the colleges try to close their budget deficits by raising tuition to make up for the fact that we cut their funding and the cost of living keeps going up."

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I was addressing the “Christian” side of Old Man Shadow’s “Judaeo-Christian” compound, which is problematic as it implies a continuity that’s hard to actuality find in the history. I certainly knew that the Year of Jubilee is an idea first found in the Old Testament.

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Haven't Republicans ever heard of economic stimulus?

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Every weld I do on the Manchin Methane Pipeline I finish with a little hammer and sickle flourish to honor the folks at No Name Tech.

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